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Erratic Electronics.

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I got a Toyota Starlet reflet 1998 ,I have a few issues that are bothering me.

- Front passenger power window switch doesn't seem to work.I have even tried the master power window controls at the drivers door and the control for the front passenger window is erratic.

- The fuel gauge needle does not come down even after i switch off the car .

- The time digital clock at the centre of the dashboard only displays for sometime and then it fades away.

Please help me resolve the above mentioned problems.thank you.

Edited by geofreygachie
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My clock is the same .... If I give it a love tap it comes back

I have been researching and i found a site that indicated that SMD resistors might be having a dry or cracked solder joint.After opening the clock i noted that one connection had a crack in it.I have reflowed all the resistors afresh .i will put it back to the dash later to day and report back if i have fixed the problem.

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Thanks for letting us know buddy I'll be taking it out to do the same, providing it's the same issue.

Hope you get to the bottom of your central locking

If you have to tap it for it to display most probably you can fix using the instructions I posted.Almost 24 hours now and the clock is superb.

If you need more information please let me know.

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