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Posts posted by kavan-k

  1. Thats another problem im having. I am from Northern ireland and the only people i have heard are any good are East coast, be tempted to cross the water to tuning developments or race tech!

  2. Alright folks, quick question, be starting my build very soon and i am going to try and push over the 300 mark.. Whats the best ecu available atm? Is the apexi the best out there? And are they really that hard to get a hold of?

  3. My monthly bill was 58 quid and we got it down to 20 because i kept threatning to go to bt, they overcharged me on 2 occasions which i had to claim back, bunch of arseholes! I want virgin or bt, but have to wait till end of may!

  4. If you want something that is great fun, a good investment and in my opinion is in the top 5 of best sounding motors i know, get a nukka nukka ;) ( toyota corolla gt coupe ) ae86. I love those cars!!!!!! Tbh they have a hefty price tag atm too, most have all had thousands spent on them getting restored! Still an awesome car!

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