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Posts posted by kavan-k

  1. Just because you can hear more doesn't mean its doing its job. I'd choose a K&N filter as they have so many sizes available, are cheap because they are widely mass produced, don't carry JDM price tag, filter well even when covered in dirt and still flow.

    Agree! K&N are hard to beat.

  2. quick question, the wee glanza is slightly crunching in 3rd gear and have read that mounts help a bit, but what mounts? gear box or engine? and how do i know i need them, is it a big job taking them out and having a look? any tell tale signs i need them replaced?

    any answers will be much appreciated, cheers.

  3. if the turbo goes what should i expect anything else erong eith the engine? i was for buying one to forge it and put a kit on it so it might not be too bad of a buy. but like you's say, cant hurt to have a look. thanks guys.

    wrong* with* (damn touch screen phones!) lol

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