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Kara GTT

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Everything posted by Kara GTT

  1. I wonder if its true that we eat 3 a year in our sleep,im going sleep with a dust mask over my face!
  2. Kids are great,have a little Sparky
  3. Yeah i havnt seen another one yet,only a shade darker lol! I know i want it matt black too
  4. Haha i know there cute,i think EP82S are awful looking! Mines 161 @ fly
  5. Lmao yeah i might do the same..........................NOT
  6. Looks good! Why the hell did the person you bought it off put the number plate there!
  7. There not too bad,can you remember a few year ago when they was loads about lol!
  8. Haha i can spot them a mile off,i knew they was one under a shelf in the room last week eww
  9. Does anyone else hate them,I've just gone to check on my little one and they was one on her moses basket dirty little things ewww they make me cringe!
  10. Spotted a silver gt with blitz fmic in Skegness on Monday
  11. Good old Skegness! Haha did you see the Silver Gt with Blitz fmic?
  12. Aww bless,hes gorgeous! My little ones going to be crazy on cars too but then again she has got a Mum & Dad whos petrol heads lol! She screams the car down if were on a drive out and we stop for traffic etc lol
  13. Kara GTT

    Anyone Else?

    Drunk far too much on sat night,clubs were open till 7am woke up feeling fresh
  14. Awww hes grown loads hes gorgeous i remember when we was talkin when he was first born and your missus telling me not to worry about the birth etc! My daughters 6months now tho time flys and they grow so fast!
  15. Defo repost if i remember rightly its someones mate off here
  16. Childish they need to grow up on that site,made me laugh tho him asking what was wrong with Evo when lad who put engine back in said he knew all about cars lol
  17. Was good,attend the next one mate! Weve got a Turbo'd one
  18. Hey sexy lady!

    Pm me your number xx

  19. Haha they got any members left on there? Whys Jo banned?
  20. Looking good! Did you go south mimms?
  21. No holiday this year little ones too young but defo next year!
  22. Nah giving it a miss they came to Skeg last year,drove down there and they were more plastic than a tuppawear party
  23. Can you do me a favour and tell Cookie that Kara_Gtt still loves him!
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