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Posts posted by LooNy

  1. The head I think there's a crak in the head and they tryed to seal it with liquid plastic metal stuff cuz there's a crack in it and its all over the manifold but I'm hopping they used it just to stop the exhaust blow but otherwise it will be head off and get it skimmed

  2. I took my manifold off, started to clean the head and ummm... They have bodged the head with liquid plastic metal stuff. And I don't really want to take it back anymore but I hope it's just a little crack so I can just weld it

  3. No none of you I just need somone that knows what there doing because I've been on other forums and they havnt got a clue what there on about because they read crap of the Internet. And by trade there a office worker that don't even know how a engine works but read it on wiki pedia and think that's how bit is I need Someone that has had the problem or low how it works

    I'm not here to stay arguments, I'm a apprentice e mechanic by trade but new to jap scene, ask me about volkwagen and I could tell you straight away

  4. Yea the guy who had it before is a animal I think cuz that t pipe is rubbing on the bulk head so will probs split soon so what should I run the vacuum pipes as cuz one end goes to boost gauge then to the actuator then somewhere else. Really I need someone that knows what there doing not a bedside mechanic telling me where to put stuff because they read it on a website. Look at the pic of my bay and relocate the pipes, so I can do it properly

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