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Everything posted by cheezeitthedog

  1. Well thats just creepy! Could make a joke about good old priests here but Im too scared and clenchy
  2. Theres loads on tonight a surprisingly good Sunday night. Theres the F1, Top Gear, WRC highlights are hopefully on.
  3. Dude youre going to be sat there for like 2.5hours?
  4. If you like the British series try and check out the World series holy crap its awesome! Just downloaded the last two races from Japan so have those to watch at some point Been to a couple of BTCC events at Mondello and a couple at Knockhill as well... Been to a track day at each circuit as well ;):P
  5. Lol trust me Ive tried both ways. Its a myth that lighter weight gives better fuel economy. It makes me accelerate more! Hence bad idea lol. And you are right the Focal components are awesome If you check out the first page the tweeters are awesome in the set up with their beautiful A pillar pods covered in alcantara
  6. More than you could ever imagine! My bum has never been happier Met an old mate of mine and showed her them and she said yea I noticed it looks like theyre giving you a big hug lol
  7. No worries Im mad on any racing! Watch F1, WTCC, BTCC, MotoGP, WSB, BSB, Nascar, V8 Supercars and Im sure Ive missed a couple. To be honest it doesnt get any better than WTCC but BTCC at Mondello was always a great laugh.
  8. Coverage on ITV begins at 4pm with the race live from 5pm
  9. Hopefully! I need to get home in time. And dont worry its an evening race because its set in Brazil so you havent missed it yet. Am predicting an easy win for Ferarri with a 1-2 and more than likely Hamilton will keep in touch and finish a distant third with Trulli not far back in fourth
  10. Were sitting on an online service issue atm so calls are everywhere and of course no branches are open so everyone decides to ring us! Including some old deaf woman I had to shout down the phone at
  11. *Ponders a way to get to South Wales to remove Sparky from bed by force* Better hope you dont have an account with the well known bank I work for ojoj
  12. And now I'm back in work Leaving this place is like delaying the inevitable. So from now I'm in until 4pm and am desperateto leave already. Will have to entertain myself with the almighty UKSC all day...When I'm not dealing with customers of course.
  13. Right piccys ;) And the newly arrived boss
  14. And yes the previous message was a joyous me rushing out the shiny security doors at work and deciding to gloat a little. Am in 8-4 tomorrow though ;) And theyre parading/rioting near my building tomorrow! Might end up being late home for the Formula 1
  15. To be honest I just felt like mentioning the 1-0 and decided to shoehorn it in there We have more celebs than youd think just most of them arent allowed to leave the country
  16. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ... Im thinking repeatedly!
  17. Its all good dont need the movement. Gives me an excuse to stop the ex being allowed to drive the car And are you talking about the mods mentioned or did I tell you the secret plans for the audio? lol And Joz you know I cant track her again Ill miss the musac too much! Also I dont have my shitty tires to rip off anymore.
  18. Jules you sound like a right celeb stalker. I live in N.Ireland we dont really have celebs. Weve got David Healy (1-0) and thats about it lol. Apart from that most people forget we exist.
  19. Is that a kid playing with the side of the bin? Where is that childs mother? lol Also why would they choose to refer to the weight as 'slightly more than a Nissan Micra' shows the demographic of people that will give a crap lol
  20. More mods have been done! All of the wonderful subby goodness has been put back in and despite some pure jackass-edness (battery still active + wire = bad) I managed to get it all in. And its sitll very very loud! Also got a set of awesome EP82 GT seats for my weapon. They rock! With big thanks to Al!!! And also mega thanks to Jay who helped me get the damn driver seat in even though it no longer moves forwards and backwards lol. The seat is in the right place thats all that matters lol. Will get pics up later when I get back from work
  21. And also I work in a call centre for a large well known bank so trust me this is awful! Branches close and everyone decides to ring us instead!
  22. yea I know but I had no halloween cause I had to get up at 6.30am this morning. Only in until 4pm though so I guess theres an advantage in there somewhere.
  23. Seriously I need to go on a wee rant here. Ive been up since 6.30am been in work from about 7.30 and had to start at 8am. This is a Saturday! This is meant to be a day of rest. I know Ive been off from last Saturday and only came back on Friday but still this sucks! Even worse is Im working tomorrow as well. Im gonna have to rush to make it home to see the GP Its lucky this job pays well or I would be out of here lol!
  24. Trust me dude love sucks ass lol! Stick to starlets theyre less maintenance than the average female! I know the situation though Im crazy about my ex gf even though shes with some idiot that treats her like shit, we still flirt and were closer than anyone! Yet she still cant see how much she means to me and I know shell never break up with him. My advice whilst it sounds like a shitty cop out is just to leave it for now. If you really love this girl and you reckon she has real feelings for you still then let her get this out of her system but let her know how you feel and let her know thats n
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