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Everything posted by cheezeitthedog

  1. No way weve flown with Thomas Cook! Im thinking of making up some weird and wacky complaint!
  2. Not technically music but at the moment I have the sound of a fan directly above my head and I can pick out ducks, crickets, a dog, various birds, and something incredibly loud and annoying that I have no idea what it is!
  3. How do you think I feel mate Im ginger! Im not meant to tan but some genius seems to have resulted in the upper half of my arms getting tanned :S
  4. A carpet muncher... (How many can we get?)
  5. See I always thought that but see when faced with the choice its not really what youre hoping for! Trust me. Or maybe its just me
  6. If I was single I would have gotten pics... and seen if any of them were bi rather than lesbian lol. See if I was single I could have had such a night! lol ojoj
  7. Straight guy skulking in the bushes next to a load of girls camping? Would look pretty bad!
  8. Seriously though there were some butch lesbians there I would have had my ass kicked by 15lesbians! ... Hang on why didnt I take pics would have been worth it! Although the getting dumped would not have been when Ive spent £350 on her to go on holiday lol
  9. Lets stop talking about the lesbians! Although yes a little but some were pretty fit! Very fit in fact!!
  10. It is truly deafening! Scary amounts of bass UPDATE! Lights are here! Gearknob is fitted. Many thanks DIN slot is here
  11. Hence sit in a canoe on the counter. You may look a little bit special but would have been a laugh! Also Im very annoyed at just how cool your job sounds! Seriously I work in a call centre! In the middle of a busy town!!
  12. Could you not sit on the counter in a canoe with a paddle? That would look funny when the customers came in lol
  13. Welcome to the site mate have fun! Definately get some pics up of your car and I would say you should be able to get parts but Ill wait for the experts to appear and confirm that lol
  14. Damn you! Im stuck in work dealing with annoying customers! Until 8pm!!!!! @ Jay OUCH! Trust me they were lesbians! My bi mate (girl) went to meet them for a 'gathering'
  15. Why are you thinking me and you should go lesbian hunting? Actually that sounds like fun!
  16. No more the thought of if you saw Danni and we werent together the hair and lip piercing kinda looks a lil bit lesbian lol. Thats what was scary! And also its the thought of hmmmm threesome... wait they only want each other... DAMN!
  17. Very tiday car youve got there mate. Definately have to agree it looks better without the spoiler. Should go well with the mani fitted! Good luck with the build!
  18. Another little update even though I should be saving money for uni haha. My DIN slot cup holder finished in cf has arrived along with the lubbly jubbly crystal headlights Both should be getting fitted on Wednesday so I will get a few pics up as soon as I get a chance
  19. Many congrats mate! Thats a good pass mark!! High 5!!!!!!!
  20. I didnt know about it until my gf's bi mate deciding she was going into the woods to meet a load of lesbians! Otherwise you could have all come. Seriously I felt so weird and out of place which isnt normally me! Having lesbians surround your gf aint nice! lol Unfortunately only the lesbians were taking pics I would have been killed if I had taken any.
  21. OK So finally the UK is seeing some sun. Long may it continue at this heat although Im away to Florida on Friday just to sicken everyone So whats everyone been doing with the sun and how have you been making the most of it? Or even how do you plan to make the most of it? Ill start Friday was spent in the company of 15 lesbians and my gf (who is not a lesbian before anyone asks). Trust me out of place does not even come close! Especially when I was driving and couldnt even drink. Saturday involved considering going to Portrush which was quashed since my mate didnt want her hair getting blo
  22. Never been a big fan of Yaris's but thats a very tidy one mate! Loving the work to her!!
  23. Love it with the brows on mate I would definately keep them on the car. Very tidy looking
  24. Lol love it! Heard this a while back but doesnt get old!
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