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Posts posted by Galliano

  1. Update

    Well, this one comes as something of a surprise. Yesterday, during Rob's speech, he presented some gifts to the family and bridesmaids. However, the cheeky sods that Rob and Amy are, they also presented me with a present, gits had me all choked up!!!

    naturally i was baffled, but the beautiful bride insisted i open the present there and then, which i did, to find a brand new set of OEM Headlight Protectors. Words cannot describe how surprised I was!!!! cannot wait to get these bad boys fitted! really cant thank both Rob and Amy enough, what an immense present!!!!!


    Puts me right to shame.

    Was gonna post over some slippers and a dildo for you for christmas.

    If the slippers don't fit you can fuck yourself.

  2. Where are you from mate? All UK models have an alarm. It could well have been the previous owner had this trouble and unplugged the alarm siren so they can lock with remote but unlock with key. It sounds very strange though, never come across this sort of problem before, only the ones above.

    I'm sure someone with more electrical knowledge will be along shortly to tell you what to check.

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