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Posts posted by Galliano

  1. I remember seeing the bottom photo years back. This is (or.. was about a year or so ago) owned by a chappy in Gloucester, not far up from me, who had a little bump and bought the bumper, bonnet, clutch and a few other odds and ends from me when I stripped JWK. Shame I no longer have contact with him as he was a good bloke, was doing his best to get the car back on the road.

  2. Very very long shot on this one Adey, unfortunately if they have lost centercaps people take all off or replace the wheels all together. Not many Gallianos have standard wheels anymore, especially with full centercaps. Might be worth you contacting the chappy selling one on Gumtree. Ask him what centercaps hes used as they are not the originals but seem to fit.

    That or contact Toyota or Exclusive Line (IIRC makers of the wheels) with the part number from one of your other caps?

    Hope that can help solve the case.

  3. OMGWINZ! :)

    @ tomsgtadvance....dude....the wheels on that old white one...oh. my. how. LUSH!!!!!! those are utter JDM PORN!!!! are there only 3 or does the 4th exist? looks like 3 in the pics!

    also, folks i have no pics of this, but about 5 houses down the lane from me, my brother has discovered a KP30/Starlet 1000...whatever u wish to call it behind a man's shed that he will be restoring next year...i think i need to befriend him for progress pics!


    Phil, think Capri...

  4. I've had a look at the lock barrell before now to change on mine. I couldn't see any way of changing it myself, it can be done, surely, but I just wouldn't know where to begin.

    The lock needs to be upright position and not horizontal. If it is vertical then all is merry, you can just use the boot release lever.

    To remove the old one, there is a metal rod that clips into the back of the bootlock (Inside the bootlid). Unclip that, then remove the two 10mm bolts and away you go. Put the new one in, bolt it up and clip the rod into the new braket piece. Make sure you have the rear seats folded down so you can access the back should it go pearshaped.

  5. No probs on the purifier man. Looking forward to the whoring and lovin at JAE!

    Just been to the breakers, got a few odds and ends that seem strange from Toyotas, but the one with JDM stuffs never let anyone else in. I hate breakers yards that do that because they just seem to be nobs. You don't realise you need something else until you see it.

    Might be heading away this weekend so will scour breakers on the way ^^,

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