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Cammy R

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Everything posted by Cammy R

  1. That is probably the reason! Might find the 50's scrubbing as well though dude
  2. Tyre scrubbing on one side only?
  3. Walk in with a chasis number of a Glanza and they will be able to print off a quote for you. Because us parts guys are evil!
  4. My mum has one of these rapid machines
  5. Toyota Starlet S (Gaylanza rep) 2 years
  6. https://www.gumtree.com/p/swap-shop/toyota-starlet/1140531339 I don't think the boost will ever load
  7. My seats are getting clarted after work nowadays so has anyone got any recommendations? Have VW Transporter ones on but they are slightly on the baggy and horrible side and i want ones with a dead snug fit Was thinking these ones? http://monstermotorsport.com/catalog/product_info.php/glanza-seat-cover-p-772
  8. As i said on facebook please do not Glanza kit that SR but welcome Anyways
  9. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Toyota-starlet-sr-glanza-glanza-s-/171973256166?hash=item280a67a3e6:g:eFwAAOSw5VFWJOfM Glanza s rep apparently sick scoop for much air and a go faster stripe
  10. I'll give you a shout John once and if i get it
  11. Could be a plan there cheers John
  12. if only i had a welder and knew how to weld haha!
  13. i'll see how much it is to ship and if i think it ain't worth it i'll just get it disposed of.
  14. Heres me thinking that was a ace price, live and learn
  15. Just won this at auction for cheap so just hoping if someone can confirm that this is a genuine TRD shortshifter? tah
  16. Far too much for that car 900 for mine with 36K, Thats mega low miles Sr money if anything
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