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Everything posted by tucka

  1. you got a boost conrtoller fitted? some Actuator valve controllers make a clickin sound, my apexi AVC SPEC D does! its def not your relase bearing! as stated it would only make the noise with clutch in
  2. if it comes to it! you must have the postal address you sent it to! so you could always go down there and pay him a visit! but im sure it wont come to that!
  3. tiny update got some sr dials for her cheers to AlanD for that awsum guy!, lora needs a rev gauge to drive lol women, im guessin if i go down to toyota they will be able to fit it and send the clocks back ect ect? still waitin on the rims, pav is tryin to get me some sort of postage sorted out as he lives super far away lol cheers man and springs which we orderd a month ago nearly still havnt arrived!!! keep emailin me and they keep tellin me they will be with me soon!! grrrrr so just waitin on the above then will crack on with either front end conversion or lora wants some big sounds subs
  4. flyin elbow of the cuboard hahahahahah thats awsum! record that shit lol
  5. tucka


    yeah agreed, he made hamo lose the racin line thats why vettel overtook him!
  6. tucka


    he was on slicks and spun a lil bit on a courner with it rainin a lil, and he couldnt get power down everyone else was on inters!
  7. im flertin man! god!! lol just showin glanza - love how its done! treatin ya mean but im def keepin ya keen o yeahhh!!!
  8. tucka

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    James God Damn Cool As fuk Tucker -yorkshire
  9. you had pies with ya car didnt you sparky!lol ive seen your sort on tv before! if a car could call rape you would be propa fucked lol
  10. soon as she said that you should of punched her straight in the face! you would of been onto a winner then my friend! lol
  11. tucka


    massvie f1 fan and what a final race! hamo well deserved it imo, shame about Coulthard crashin on his first lap of his final race aswel!
  12. your wheels look the same as my atech final speed rims! havtn read the full thread so not sure if ya found out what they are yet..but there the double of mine apart from the colour! nice car anyway man!
  13. tucka try to help - WHAT seriously man, dont worry about her now! she aint with you! if her ex is gonna fuk her around and she wants to be with that type of person then leave her to it! keep ya head high, stop chasin her! get a bit of NEYO on, ring joise x ask her what shes doin tonight and then you both can forget about your ex's and move on oooo yeahhhh tucka speakin his mind- god damn women pisss me off!!! do my nut it! They is no such thing as a normal women there all frickin mental!! be free man! live the dream!
  14. tucka


    thats awful! its worryin that any one can go out and buy paint strippin so easly!! and do this! and then they get away with it because the police cant be assed to do there job properly! all ya need to do nowa days is look at some CHAV the worng way and shi like this happens! jeliousy is a big part to play aswel
  15. that looks super clean really good find! no rust in the usual places either! very clean!!
  16. yup top gear this sunday! gonna be awsum! im on a low now run out of candy, im like a drugy who needs drugs lol but the candy version lol
  17. ohh ok champ white would look cool tho!
  18. yeah i would prob just go champ white or super white and then paint the speedline stamp in blue would look super cool
  19. im sorry ive had way to much candy today lol
  20. glanza-love said you take him out all the time...... theres no harm in a bit of male bondin.......IF YOUR GAY!!!! haahaha
  21. takin a girl to watch saw 5 ay!! gud on ya man, big imporvment from takin men out! ahaha also i forgot to add, got loads of nock off fire works which me and aload of friends are gonna set off on saturday night when i get back from the game!
  22. well this week is a right good week for me!!! it starts from wednesday at 7.45pm! were im watchin HULL CITY VS chelsea at the kc stadium! can not wait!! and then on saturday im off to man uniteds ground to watch hull city play them! even more excited about that!!! and thennnn its sunday the last race of formula 1!!!! come on hamo!!!!!!!!! and if it couldnt get any better TOPGEAR IS BACK ON THAT VERY SAME SUNDAY!!!!!! so how does your week compare to mine!!! ahahaha awsum!
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