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Everything posted by tucka

  1. holy crap! awsum bay man! very impressed!
  2. http://cars.uk.msn.com/News/car_news_artic...mentid=11274014 i want one for xmas lol
  3. ah thats it , its a starlet i, which stands for impressive lol but yeah agreed very basic model
  4. its the lowest of low model dude, think its the s...but unsure it doesnt have power steering or leccy windows if that helps... i like to call it the super light weight model!
  5. cooool man, well il get my ass down to toyota sometime this week and see what the score is, and if i have any probs il catch ya on msn for some advice! cheers bro tucka
  6. my glanza fuel light comes on when the needle is near the bottom, but loras starlet i have never seen it come on eva! and its been well below the empty mark...
  7. yeah i dont want to do it my self as i want it all recored and done officaly if ya know what i mean, i dont want some dude to come upto me one day and say my cars been clocked, i want it all to be above board.. cheers anyway all i want to know is if toyota can do it ect ect
  8. well got some sr dials for lora as the standard ones where shockinly crap very dull couldnt even really see the dash and speedeo ect, anywho im looking at taking the dials down to toyota to fit em, am i right in thinkin it will be a straight easy job for them to fit? the main reason i want to take it to them as i was told they should be able to put my milage on the new clocks? as the new clocks say summet like 80k but the car has done 55k cheers guys tucka
  9. dude need to get ya self down to a nipponsquad meet on a thurs with ya been local! so i can have a ganda lol
  10. oohhhh my god! just shows ya theres some one for everyone!! .....................hes one lucky guy..............takin one for the team....
  11. welcome to the club dude
  12. http://www.driftworks.com/forum/media-sect...after-fire.html dont know if this has been posted yet! but what a nightmare!! poor cars!!
  13. well picked up the rims, and suspension arrived,and sr dials aswel, fitted springs pics below, havnt fitted rims orderd some slim nuts so just waitin on them and soon as there here the wheels will be going on anywho here she is slammed on her ass lol will get better ones once wheels on ect
  14. looks awsum man!! ya bros looks really nice to! makes me wanna get mine back on the road!
  15. tucka

    Kanye West Fans

    good list man! feelin the old skool dude!
  16. traction bars are a suspension mod, help to reduce wheel hop ect ect, never seen any on a starlet, they conect to your lower control arms i think...
  17. tucka

    Kanye West Fans

    cant stand kanye west! use to like him in his first album but hes gone way to soft for me plus it aint rap ne more in eyes!
  18. theres a bride seat rail on ebay at the mo for the ep91 but its passenger only.. im also gonna be selling my drivers side ZEP racing seat rail i used for this seat soon if ya want it let me know dude and i wont take of the bars off i modded to make it fit tucka
  19. them fenders are awsum, cars lookin pritty damn nice, the white rims suit it alot, i may have to spray the ones for loras..
  20. no way man!!!! gutted for ya dude! hope ya manage to find a minter! just keep lookin one will pop up! but dont rush into it and get one with heavy miles! sayin that if ya doin a engine conversion i suppose it wont really matter...if i see out il let ya know peace tucka
  21. this is unfair mine doesnt get mucky lol but yours is pritty hardcore!! how could you let it get in such a state!!!
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