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Posts posted by DavidAshton

  1. It depends which sort of glanza lights u want. If you want the normal flat one then you one need one side. But if you want the bubble style ones you will need both. All the part numbers are in the relevent section if you wanted to buy direct from toyota.

  2. Early spec seats are alright but there no bucket seat and i find they dont hold you in any more than sportif seats did. I think they look loads better as i prefer a seat without those metal spokes to the headrest and i got mine from a Glanza with a darker interior so it makes the whole interior feel a little cosier(sp). They are more comfy i think, i tend to sink into them more and feel a little more snug. Also the bottom part of the chair is height adjustable and the whole seats sits a little lower. I like em anyway. ;)

  3. When i had some the only way i could see of fitting the was using the standard GT runners and using an angle grinder to remove the guiding pins that were in the way. Also you would need to remove some metal from the leg nearest the gearbox at the front. If u get a 95 interior i think the seatbelt clips are mounted to the chair so that saves you another job.

  4. No basically but people will say they do, if you want to mess about chopping bits of metal off them they will. When i tried i got so pissed off with them i ended up breaking them. I ended up getting some Glanza seats, they go straight in and are much better than stock sportif seats.

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