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Posts posted by EP70-PT

  1. Left my rims to the powdercoater today, they didn't have gold on their paint catalogue so I just told them to microblast them (they specialize in wheels) I'll paint them myself I think... what should I do first since they'll be in bare aluminium?

  2. I noticed it's not flush with my left tail light (like it's not fully closed), it appears straight, rear of the car has no marks, already stripped the rear to check and nothing, boot lid is straight too, any adjustments to be done?

  3. Updates!!

    Got some filters for my ITB's and setting my AFPR soon, waiting on an adapter plate and hose:


    and, the last bit of the Glanza puzzle, was crazy hard to get all the parts, specially the bonnet, but now the last bit is coming home and the little Starlet will be ready for it's shiny new 6P2 skin :) (along with Glanza calipers! Can't wait!!!)


    Oh, and here's a little driveway fun with the car and some rev limiter action!!! (rolling video is after installing the pod filters on the TB's, gives a nice little grunt to it!)



    Will update this when the Glanza kit is fitted!

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