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Everything posted by MARCUSep91

  1. free bump come on peeps 2 spots on the rollers left by the looks of it be a laugh
  2. bought one of ebay 40 quid and is the nuts i must say none branded blitz type fort id try it n save some dollar. bloody loud to lol
  3. quick up date peeps new dump valve fitted, manifold and toy tuning actuator ;)
  4. lol at sparky does help dont it lol mine was fitted today and same as above sound itemalong with the mani the cars pulling like something else boosting strong all the way to the red line. let her wear in a little now then put boost up a lil ;)
  5. sounds good mate mines going on 2mz along with my manifold
  6. was guna say jus passed my examiner course and im ready and willing to test you ;) jokes. love to just drive of with a examiner in the car weving in and out of traffic lol
  7. lol i had one lesson and he signed it of as i had already been driving a year
  8. in my opinion its well worth doing if you have literally jus passed your test. gives u confidence with your instructor by yourside helping you if your not that confident. will help u in drinving at night and on motorways ie M25 etc. i was forced to do mine as they wouldnt insure me on a modded corsa without it because of my age and my driving instructor knew i had been on the roads for a year on my dads insurance it was only when i went on my own to build up my no claims did they require it.
  9. lol rick. i was under the impression they would be nakered mate ? so got a few things going on like dv and actuator at the weekend so didnt wana be running around for a few studs i you get wot i mean. neways if thats all good id like to see anyone bet my cock of of about 7 new topics in a row
  10. i know lol was funny looked at it after and was like shittttttttttt lol cn i get before the weekend as its wen the car is going in so in a bit of spot of bother if toy tuning dont get em to me by 2mz . its going to a tursty friend at a local custom exhaust place im hoping hel be able to sort it out if i dont get em by 2mz. either that or make use of the old ones if there ok till the new ones turn up
  11. in the same boat mate but different dump valve mite try the stall for a change . that all you have to do jus block the tube or valve of ?
  12. i saw that yaris with the mr2 engine in it at the motorshow and the crasy on the toyota stand ;)
  13. welcome mate, going by your name u had a rs turbo ? lol neways plenty of advice on here jus ask if u wana knw nefin about these cars. check the forsale section might be sumthing in there for you lol. piston heads also got a few good glanzas and gts on there may be worth a look. marcus
  14. cool thanks mate im asuming the ones already on there wont be any good ?
  15. okkk lol is it worth keeping the gaskets that will already be on there ? never done any of this before as you can prob tell lol
  16. if its that simple then sod paying some1 to do it guess!!!!
  17. hi peeps just wondering how easy it is to fit a manifold your self ?
  18. lol another thing im guessing do you have to repalce the gaskets and studs when taking the old one of ? because i think the toytuning one doesnt come with gaskets were the jap one does. just trying to work out what exactly i need. also im not sure wether or not the have there own ones in stock lol have left emails on the site cheers again
  19. the normal coating one for around 270 quid ? think so. whats the main advantage over the to ? im guessing they both produce decent gains thanks for the help rick
  20. oh my days that is fantastic the looks youd get in that lol
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