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Everything posted by GT_Elaine

  1. Joz I dont think you understand Le Man & Ring/Spa are booked so as long as your plan keeps to November for Tokyo I will be coming along to that as well E x
  2. Sounds great I will be sure to keep my eye on this Just need it to fit around going to Le Man and Ring if poss lol
  3. Then I think its either an Auto Barn one or a Dave B Mani... I say easy to fit, I just made teh tea and watched lol but yes as long as the holes are drilled Straight it should be easy
  4. yes Nick going with DJCC entry is £10 Track is £30 for your group if you go out with any one its £25 Should be fun my coilovers will be here soon then the beast is all ready to go Wooo Hoooo
  5. Just out of intrest how much did you pay for it?
  6. ohh my god!! Have only just seen this thread.... Will read it thought in a bit but provied I have a job by then I will be well up for this!!! And if its in November evern better thats my birthday so might even be able to get my famiy to pay for it Wooo Hooooo this years is going to be one long holiday for me
  7. Thats looks like the one I have.... Does it have any marking at all?? If its the same its easy enough to fit as long as the holes are drilled straight
  8. I am going to Japfest with my Local club track time is all booked but would be cool I f you had a stand I would love to meet some other owners!!!
  9. Cool do you have a stand??
  10. Hello and Welcome!!! That is some project you have there!! Wish you all the best of luck make sure you keep us posted!!!!
  11. Hello and Welcome. Nothing wrong with a Corsa that was my first car Last all of 6 weeks before I killed it though ;)
  12. Are you chap and chapets going??
  13. what wheelare they, do you have a better pic of them? Nice GT by the way
  14. Thanks Nick she is a beast ;) and the funny thing is that run was on low boost lol tried a few times on high but could not keep the power down
  15. Love your GT Harvey looks very nice going down POD
  16. That is a very nice spec list!!! You need to get it RR and then take me for a spin please
  17. Nice cars!!! I want to seats out the GT!!!!
  18. Very nice looking GT any update??
  19. Very nice.. not so sure on the wheels though got a close up?
  20. Very nice GT you have there some great work going to be a real beast when the TD04 is in!!! Looking forward to seeing it for real
  21. Lovely looking car!!! I love the side skirts, something different See you sunday??
  22. Thanks phil you would not say that if you could see her today!!! But as long as the rain stays away she will be have a nice bath tomorrow
  23. All sounds good... I will try my best to come up as it was good fun last time... Even if I did go an hour in the wrong direction
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