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Everything posted by starlybruiser

  1. well i think the time has come for me to make a final decision on what wheels to put on my Glanza, i have 2 wheels in mind but what other wheels would you recommend that would look nice on my car?? ( its in the rides section ) i dont want to go bigger than 15" due to performance reasons so either 14" or 15" wheels only, here are the links to the 2 wheels i have in mind: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5Zigen-GT1-Alloy-Whe...7QQcmdZViewItem http://www.rimstyle.com/pages/products/pro...GRIWH1565410040 Will Either of these wheels decrese performance?? and any advise, opinions etc... on other wheels w
  2. yeah thats on my drive way which is very uneven and quite steep, thats why the cars leaning over to one side, its a bitch of a drive, my dads beamer grounds out at the top its really harsh!!
  3. (DUDE FROM CARDIFF ) Yeah Im Up For It, Got A Few Things I Wanna Do To My Car First Though, Any Weekends good, Cheers Guys, StarlyBruiser P.S. Yeah Vboi I Work With Mr Crumbie In Hewden
  4. Heres some pics of my new starlet hope you all like cheers starlybruiser "> "> "> "> Cheers Guys ;)
  5. Im trying to get some pics of my car up on ere but it wont let me?? im putting in the url of pics i got on myspace and it wont let me do it?? how can i get them on ere? i wanna show everyone my starlet LOL cheers starlybruiser
  6. Hey Guys sorry i aint replied for so long ive been in work and busy with alot of stuff lately, but i looked into this device and its an automatic toll payer! like when we pay a toll fee over here we have to stop and pay with cash, well over there you buy a card worth howevermuch you want in a local shop and then you just drive straight through the toll gates and it takes the money off your card!! its bloody genius! lol, so i take it i wont have to worry about the yakusa, FBI Etc..... LOL Cheers guys Starlybruiser
  7. I Know im a pain with putting post after post on here but i got another question. On the glanza i recently bought, just under the steering wheels is the blitz turbo timer but next to this there was a fairly big grey box with a green light on it and it had like a card slot in the front of it, i was like???? ;) whats that!! i looked at the side of it yesterday while cleaning my car and printed on it is, Toyota Toll Collection System???? whats this thingy all about? there is an eject button on it but it does nothing when pressed, is this box anything to worry about? i aint being tracked by tha ma
  8. ok nice one mate, and yeah im still working on the pics hopefully get them on here tommorow ;) , cheers starlybruiser
  9. As some of you may know i recently purchased a glanza and im well pleased with her ( pics coming soon ) when i bought her the milage was in kilometers, but the garage converted it to read miles, but its just come up to 65999 miles and its stopped??? any idea why??? any help on how to sort it would be a great help, cheers starlybruiser ;)
  10. cheers mate, yeah i will get a mini filter then i will leave the stock bov on there but just remove the hose from the top of the engine and place a mini filter directly on there. cheers starlybruiser
  11. AHHHH nice one mate, thanks for doin that for me, i know how it goes now!! cheers, but i havent got a breather filter atm but can i just leave the original bov in there with the hose off the engine conected to it?? or do i need a breather filter? cheers starlybruiser
  12. These are the bailey dump valve install instructions, but i have no idea what it means?? can anyone tell me what i need to do to fit this?? here they are starting from step 2: 2) after locating the re- circulating dump valve remove the vacuum feed and follow it back to its sourse and remove the standard vacuum hose from the vehicle. 3) very carefully remove the 19mm 90 degree hose from the top of the standard dump valve and twist 90 degrees to the left so as you are looking at the engine the hose is pointing to your left. 4) Next place the bailey 20mm- 32mm staright alloy adapter into this
  13. I have been trying to fit my bailey dump valve and im so confused?? i have a picture here of a starlet with the standard dumpvalve on it, and i was wondering if you could tell me where i have to put all the bits i have been supplied?? i was given in the bailey kit, the dump valve (obviously ) a short length of hose for the valve to go onto i presume? 3 jibley clips, boost hose, and a short metal pipe with a small end and a big end to it?? any ideas how it would go?? help would be very appreciated as im coming close to goin down the M4 and chucking it out the window haha cheers StarlyBruiser ;
  14. i have the same problem, i ordered a bailey dump valve and fitting kit but there are no pictures in the instructions, they just name the parts so i havent a clue how to fit it, they sent me a straight pipe with a big and small end on it, a small length of silicone hose that goes on the dump valve, boost hose, and 3 jibley clips?? i havent a clue how to fit it and ive had it for about 3-4 days now. its really annoying lol, anyone got pics or any material that will help?? cheers starlybruiser
  15. I recently ordered a bailey dump valve kit and i recieved it yesterday to fit on my glanza v, but when i came to fitting it i think they sent me the wrony metal pipe?? i thought you needed a "T" shaped metal pipe but they sent me a straight metal pipe with one small end and one big end??? i contacted the seller on ebay and they said they contacted bailey and they said its the right and only fitting kit they do for the starlet turbo?? anyone got photos they could send me to show me how to fit it if its the right one?? any help will be greatly appreciated cheers starlybruiser
  16. nope my cars standard, im just doing basics like exhaust, induction, and fitting a dump valve
  17. I recently ordered a bailey dump valve kit and i recieved it yesterday, but when i came to fitting it i think they sent me the wrony metal pipe?? i thought you needed a "T" shaped metal pipe but they sent me a straight metal pipe with one small end and one big end??? i contacted the seller on ebay and they said they contacted bailey and they said its the right and only fitting kit they do for the starlet turbo?? any help will be greatly appreciated cheers starlybruiser
  18. ah thats a b*****d isn't it, i would love to go to a really big meet, i bet its a great atmosphere at some of those shows.
  19. wheres the blue water meet anyway? whats that all about?? cheers starlybruiser
  20. im from cardiff and yeah once ive give my car the once over, service etc i will be more than happy to join you guys! cheers starlybruiser ;)
  21. Whats the meguiars 3 step polishing process like? is it as good as they make out to be? and would this remove the outline left by the decal??? cheers starlybruiser
  22. ok mate will try that, thanks for the help cheers starlybruiser
  23. On my starlet glanza the decals on the back and sides under the windows are peeling away an i want to remove them and replace them with some fresh new ones but where can i get them? also when i remove the old ones is it likely the outline of the decal will still be there in the paint due to slight fading over the years ?? cheers guys starlybruiser
  24. ye they are really nice wheels, and wow theres a really good selection on envy performance, reasonably priced too! cheers mate, starly bruiser
  25. well i dont want anything too big, i wanna stick to either 14" or 15" for performance reasons, i fancy a set on ebay ( link supplied ) that are stunning know where i can get some similar to this type of wheel? cheers starlybruiser http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/5Zigen-GT1-Alloy-Whe...ksid=p1638.m118
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