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Everything posted by valentino

  1. Where do I start, itâ??s not the pinnacle of designing nor is it the fastest car. But never the less itâ??s a car whom many are passionate about. But I end up asking myself whatâ??s all the commotion about it? Itâ??s only a 1.3 turbo, okay so fuel economy might be one and depending on your situation insurance perhaps is inexpensive. Maybe even the fact that it has a turbo with such a little engine makes it appealing. But in truth, thereâ??s some air of mystery that surrounds these cars, and I want to get to the bottom of it. Why you ask? Thereâ??s so much passion that engulfs
  2. Yeah there fast, anyways! :| has someone got some info to help me! LOL I really need it sparky you really post everywhere LOL!
  3. Theses scammers really need to get some sort of legitimate job, as well as an education if they havenâ??t already. Theses petty low life quick money making pricks really piss me off! While the people who actually work hard for a living end up losing our money to their â??â??2 minute ideasâ??â??. ---------------------------------------- Yeah Marcus, thatâ??s a great idea. They do a similar thing over at puregrime forum, the more post you post the more places you can access, download etc. Good idea takes the piss though! Valentino R
  4. Yeah, that was a good race and Hamilton really showed why he is rated so superior to the other racers. To all his fans and haters, I really donâ??t like the fact that people use racist terms such because he is better than their countryman in the F1 races. Good one Hamilton I really hope he wins it all!
  5. Experience wise I have around about 100 hours, may be little less on various karts mainly the easy kart though. I think am ready, I wouldnâ??t mind joining a team or anything like that just need to find some information 1st. Thanks for your help
  6. Hey, Just wondering if anyone does any Go-Karting on the forum? If so Iâ??d just like some information on it. Mainly information regarding - how to get into it, what league etc to enter, kart to buy and the basic set up stuff. Another thing that would help me if you go recommend a forum with this information, as am very eager to get into it. Thanks Valentino
  7. Yeah I understand, the problem but i haven't got a clue to be honest am sure someone on here does easily able to help you! sorry!
  8. Easy, Thats lookin' really nice! Hopefully it was worth the effort!
  9. I just read what I believe you ''wrote'' it, it was great it was a very in-depth article covering many of the features really improved my knowledge of the model! Thank you!!
  10. Dam, that really takes the piss. I hate theses pathetic scumbags, am sure youâ??ll be able to get your money back, but it does really take the piss. My dad had around £15,000 that had been taken out of his account. But he got it back and the scumbags got caught as well as compensation was paid from the criminal side and Bank Company! Long process though, it really should be done quicker. All the best!
  11. Hey thanks for the info and yeah a fresh look is really needed will post soon!
  12. That is so ture, I've got family up there aswell!
  13. What’s up, ladies and lads As a few of you may know am kind of a ''journalist'' in the making process... as my previous post was related to a review I had done. I’ve partly completed the Glanza review and the only thing holding me from posting it is due to the original spec details of the model onwards of 1996. The information I’ve found has been varied, I’d like it for you guys just to help me on this. Please if anyone knows the precise details of the model spec I’d appreciate it. Thank you! Am also very drunk! Have a good day and good bye!
  14. Itâ??s no problem, bluebear. Am pleased you like the review, yeah itâ??s short mainly due to SEAT not releasing any engine spec data to my knowledge, because it is a only a concept. I tried to get the reader involved and wanting them to create this rather then slapping spec down! Trying some other ways for the reader! Thanks P.S! The Glanza Review Completed! Will post later today
  15. dam thats nice! wouldn't mind having my eyes on that while am driving...Of course the road as well!
  16. I've started, the review lads ill post it soon
  17. Enzo just wondering, were have the reviews of the starlets been placed? I'd like to read them
  18. Yeah thats great! The add is valentino.rattan@live.com - its hotmail don't worry its there ''new'' thing any of you other guys and ladies are more then welcome to add me thanks! look forward from hearing from you
  19. Thanks Sparky! I just wondering would you guys/ladies like to see a Starlet review? if i was to create one later on today if i get some time...
  20. Yeah youâ??re right, thanks for noticing that. I appreciate it! Criticism & corrections always welcome. Enzo - I somewhat get what you what me to do if you like you can add me on msn? If you have an account and we could get the ball rolling from there!
  21. ;) Oh! I really thought there was someone on here called Jezza, yeah good ole Jeremy Clarkson. He is one unique reviewer almost certainly the best in my opinion. Enzo, that would be great I wouldnâ??t mind writing some reviews for the forum at all. What did you have in mind?
  22. Thanks for the compliment and thanks for reading it too, itâ??s much appreciated. Iâ??ve contacted Mark Guest from modifying guruâ??s Max Power with various articles and am in general waiting for a reply. I havenâ??t applied for any apprenticeships, partly because Iâ??m completing my A-levels. I donâ??t write for anyone at the moment, but thanks for the idea about the local paper! I never really thought about that itâ??s something I should be looking into defiantly. Is ''Jezza'' still around on the forum? Iâ??d love to read a few his reviews. To Others - Please Read -
  23. Okay, so basically I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks and am sure you guys haven’t missed me! But I was just wondering...is anyone here a car review journalist? I’ve been writing reviews for cars as well as gadgets for quite a long time. Since I was about 14 years old and wanted to get the ball rolling. Getting recognised is my main goal and I was just wondering if anyone on the forum is a journalist? Below - Is my quick review of the SportCoupé Bocanegra - Tell me what you think be honest thats the only way i can improve! What a concept! Okay it’s not the most outrageous out
  24. The red ones are unquestionably a bold statement I think thatâ??s why a lot people on here fancy them as well as being a true â??â??japâ??â?? style. I find the blue ones more appealing though, probably because most people around near me have black starlets with those red alloys. They do look nice, but the style as been rinsed maybe thatâ??s just in my area. Be unique go for the blue! ;)
  25. Unmistakably the finest program to ever hit our TV sets! I want to see more I canâ??t wait another week! Arghh its going to be one of the best seasons yet! Could watch it all day long
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