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starlet dude

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Everything posted by starlet dude

  1. will try tomoro again i drive a glanza v cheers again
  2. hey cheers cnt find anywer to bring it in do u hav any pics man thanx
  3. hey cud anyone help me in fitting boost gauge i c ther one on how2 but pics wnt cum up any help wud b grateful cheers
  4. do subframes out of ep82 fit a ep91
  5. very nice car i love it keep us posted on anything new
  6. somebody getin wrong idea i share no passion on the dirt track haha
  7. has one o the nicest glanzas on this site
  8. that wot im using at min seems to do the job the best cheers
  9. just wondering wot sort of oil everybody use in ther starlets?glanza??
  10. you know u hav a starlet wen people ther a reali quick little car all the time
  11. wer do u get the glanza badge at front which lights up
  12. hey ther it pretty easy wrk it out from old one if u didnt get fitting kit ul need one or just make one urself il try get pic i fitted mine bout wk ago peice of piss so easy donr
  13. hey man did he do the whole talk-u dont hav to say anything u may later rely in court sumthin like that haha if he done that then your looking at court prob theyl send u letter bout 6months later happened me
  14. no bother man let me no how u get on
  15. hey there welcome i bought myself a glanza bout 2 month ago brought it from japan i had trouble getin insured im 20 2yrs ncb i got quoted on friday nite 2 and a half grand by quinn foned bk on sat morning and they quoted me 923 pound ive been told quinn wud give me cheapest that who all my mates wif starlets r insured wif
  16. is it man i was told it was wen it was changed to wen i got my glanza imported
  17. sorri to hear this man i was trailed out o my car bout 3 month ago and car stole by 4 wnkers they deserve to rot in hell
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