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Everything posted by TSP

  1. Oh no, I've started a off a Nissan vs. Nissan fight! Thanks for your advice everyone, really good advice to get me thinking. It's very true what you are saying, no point in learning something that you can't use every day. It's not ideal to do it on the roads as everyone is saying, chances are I'd try it once and that once is when I'd end up in a ditch. I'm just looking at the next progression, there are quite a few big bhp turbo Jap motors around here and my little Starlet doesn't quite have the same impact! What do I do next? a 4efte or maybe a 5efe conversion???!!! Oh and for the rec
  2. Hi mate, you the guy that works with Adam at the wheel place?
  3. I really fancy doing a drift school next year, I fancy an R32 Skyline or a Sylvia of some sort too... I've resisted for so long but the force is too strong! Has anyone got any suggestions as to where I could go? There are a couple at Silverstone, Lydd and some up North but word of mouth is the best way of telling whats good and what's bad! Cheers
  4. I tried in vain for ages to get hold of them but had no luck at all!!! I chanced my luck and ordered only my small bits from them and they turned up in 48 hours, with a thankyou not from a woman... Can't remember her name. I used Dave Burwash for my other bits, 11 out of 10 for service. Just use him mate. I will be again tommorow.
  5. TSP

    Computer help!

    Just looking on the internet mate, I thought it was i tunes related but I uninstalled it but it's happened since Thanks everyone and Ste, I'll try those downloads
  6. TSP

    Computer help!

    What the fuck is a blue screen error? Whatever it is, fucking thing is bugging the shit out of me!!!! When it happens it gives me a list of why it's happened, probably really informative if you speak computer... Not if your a normal person though!!! I spent £500 on a laptop and bits to go with it, it's not an amazing spec but I think it's ok... Intel Core 2 Duo Centrino 1.8Ghz Processor, 4GB RAM, Windows Vista Premium and the usual DVD stuff. I thought it would be able to handle the normal day to day stuff and internet use but it bloody can't!!! It's crashed probably twice a week sin
  7. I know you'll all laugh at me but what's Bee-r?
  8. Yeah I got the bracket ate, if you could post a pic up it would be much appreciated! Thanks mate.
  9. I don't know if any of you remember but a few months back someone was selling an optional interior compartment which I think fits in the passenger footwell. Well I bought it and today while I was fitting my carpet I thought I'd have a bash at fitting it. No chance, I don't have a clue how! I've hunter for the original seller and can't find the post, so I can't ask him! Anyone got any ideas how to fit this little fucker???
  10. Brilliant! Thanks for your help everyone!
  11. I've got a bit of a query regarding an air filter on my SR and I wondered if anyone could help me with it? On the top of the airbox there is a sensor plugged in and before I just leave it dangling I wondered if there is anything specefic I should do with it? Or should I drill a hole in the inlet tube and push it in there? I'm sorry if there is a post on here somewhere about it, I've searched and looked at peoples project builds but had no luck with an answer! Oh and it's an HKS mushroom filter and I'm using the standard rubber inlet tube. Thanks for your help
  12. Ordered my rear ARB and anti-lift kit from Dave today, had a chat with him for 10 minutes too. Top bloke and very helpfull. Thanks for your help everyone!
  13. My ignition barrel doesn't light up mate no... Anyone else got any ideas? Thanks, Tom
  14. Hmmm I'm not to great with computers, i'll give it a go though!
  15. First of all, I'm really sorry to post this in here but my car is on the drive in bits and it's getting dark! Doh! I'm just putting the dash panels back in that are surrounding the steering wheel and I've found a white 2 pin block connector that comes out of the loom that leads up to the steering wheel. The 2 wires leading to the block connector are green (one has a stripe on it) and the wires aren't taped but covered in a glossy plastic insulation. I have NO idea where this plug connects to, I can't remember taking it out... Can anyone help me please??? Thanks, Tom
  16. I've PM'd him about a short shift kit too, I didn't get a reply but assumed he is just a busy man. Maybe he isn't getting them though
  17. A Whiteline rear ARB and anti-lift kit mate ;)
  18. Superb! Thanks mate! I really should explore this site more!
  19. Is that from a magazine shootout? Some really tidy motors there, I'd love to get hold of that magazine. Having said that, any Starlet feature would be good to read!
  20. Sod's law! Dave didn't have the bits in stock haha! Top bloke though, he is trying to source me the bits and I've gotta give him a call on Monday to see if he's had any luck. Top bloke Thanks for your help everyone!
  21. Thanks for your help guys, I'll give Dave a call this afternoon! This site is a brilliant wealth of info, well done to the people running it!
  22. Bump :(I can't seem to get their contact page to work!
  23. I've been trying to get hold of Toby at ToyTuning for the past week or so, via PM and through his site. I've got money waiting for some bits and I'm running out of time to get them but I can't get hold of him, can anyone help? Thanks!
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