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Steve GT

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Posts posted by Steve GT

  1. as said above check the earthing. some powers obviously over surging and causing the fuses to blow so id check that

    id also change where your wiring for the dipped beams going

    i had to do it a few weeks ago

    i disconnected the front fogs and used this to power the fog light and had no problems with it

    maybe try doing this mate

  2. i wouldn't have thought they'd be starlet fitment but ask when you view them if you can try putting one on

    but yes if they do fit id say white on white will look nice. black tends to look nice as well with a white car

  3. so its ok to put a hybrid on if everything is standard on my engine?

    yer will be fine. course like any turbo car if you seriously ride on the limiter everywhere you'll eventually send the turbo into hyperspace. but running a hybrid tubby on standard internals should be fine if you look after it

  4. Police are a piss take, we abide by the law by pay ridiculous prices on insurance, tax and fuel and what do we get back?


    I really hope those fuckers die becuase there of no use in this world, i also hope you get your car back :angry2:



    right i nominate this guy for prime minister lol

  5. yer the police dont give a shit

    mine got broken into and everything stolen at 2 in the morning

    i rang them and they said unfortunatly no officers are willing to come out to you at that time of night!!!

    what a joke since when was crime a 9-5 thing

    stuid useless doughnut eating wankers 2bh

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