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Posts posted by NightSpirit

  1. Cheers again guys...comments much appreciated...here's an update :lol: Enzo mate..what's your plans??

    Firstly, the LiveSport fenders, are a sod to fit (because they don't) and for some bizarre reason, the bodyshop in Japan got all patriotic when they worked on the top vents and built a scale model of Mount Fuji out of filler on the backs....doh. Whilst removing this 'art' I got carried away with the power tools and went through one fender, queue some mad frp skillz.










    Check out the no expense spent bodywork fixing tools (yes a hammer held in place with a wheelie bin)




    Because...in the words of a good friend of mine, Adam, 'arch lining is for queers'



    Ok so that's the good stuff, the car now weighs 4kg less, no longer rubs the tyres when I corner at speed and looks more agressive. I also swapped a dodgy o-ring on the Buddy Clubs. The bad news is that the legendary HRF manifold is cracked :p hoping it's a simple fix...so watch this space. The car is due to go to 3S Services in Hook to see top man James for some fettling that will now include manifold elastoplat.




  2. Took the trackstar to work today, first time out in 2 weeks. No problems on the way there, boosted to 1 bar (shit traffic) all good. Tonight on the journey home I set off at speed from a junction and at first it was business as usual, then it just lost power and from then on any acceleration was slow. The turbo would go from vacuum to 0 or about 2psi but no more than that...this was coupled with a sound of a blown exhaust/exhaust side problem.

    Not had chance to look in detail but I'm thinking the turbo is ok, the engine ran and started fine no misfires etc. Just no boost and blowing sound from exhaust. Don't think it's the inlet that's blown a pipe or anything so I'm guessing (hoping) the exhaust has blown at the front...although that shouldn't affect the boost that much, if not then it may be the manifold has cracked or the wastegate pipe has cracked?

    Any thoughts?

    Also...Abbot if you read this, who's the guy who makes the trick manifolds as I may be in the market for one :lol:

  3. Yup, no cams allowed. They seemed fairly relaxed actually on the track, but at the main entry point there were marshalls just looking for obvious cams (not going round the car). If you use your bullet cams Enzo (but not obviously visible in the car etc) you should be fine. If they catch you, you may get a day ban but nothing too scary I don't think?

    Top speed I reached on the final straight was 112mph..nothing too giddy...but then again the EP isn't really a wangan machine.

    -2 was setup by TDi, they wanted to run more. It handled like a demon at that. I will track it with the fenders on etc and give it a shakedown before we make the trip again :)

    I'm not finished with the car yet, I'm building quite a list again already (never 100% happy)

    LiveSport fenders

    Greddy Type R BOV (for when it runs higher boost)

    11 point cage

    chassis lightening

    alloy fuel cell

    custom gear shifter

    I'm also going to FRP up some door cards for when I cut the door innards completely out.

    Oh, one thing...this arch rolling method...any pics? I'm having trouble picturing the technique!!!

    Cheers lover.

  4. MikeN...I love the netherlands. My wife's parents live is Wasenaar and before she moved to the UK she lived in Utrecht for 10 years. We manage to drive over every few months :)

    It might be flat, but the roads are well made (not like here in the south of england)

  5. So Dave can drive then? I have skillz but only when the mood takes me..

    I was running -2 on the fronts, will look into it but there's no way I'm changing the TC05s as they make me sex wee :)

    The camber on the 'Ring I didn't massively notice...I noticed more the G's and how steep parts were, serious upy and downy bits. You can see our hotel at Adenau on the video, that's where we kept joining at.

  6. VBoi, damn straight I'm looking to improve the times next year. That was my second ever lap of the place at 8.34am...still in awe of the track and the other local users. I think that would pass next visit and by then I'll have sorted the scrub problem..I have to say I'm not really an aggressive driver, hardly ever foot to floor in every gear, on that lap you'll notice me changing gear a lot..in reality when I was in 4th cruising I should have been in 2nd-3rd at revs to keep the response and turbo spooled. My first lap was an 11.53 so over 1 min came off on lap 2.

    I would feel confident saying that in the right hands (not neccessarily mine...although I'm working on that with race days etc) the EP would manage sub 8.30s no sweat...it wanted more than I could give it then. I know all about cornering and driving techniques, where to brake etc etc but on the 'Ring it all went to pot as I focused on the event.

    Ecks, the susp is set perfectly by Sam @ TDi. It's the rims I'm sure and my arch liners are fucked anyway...LiveSport fenders to the rescue (and some serious - camber)

    I have 100s more vids like that from the trip that I'll upload when I get round to it..tunnels in switzerland, the alps (in a ford fusion) etc.


  7. Cheers chaps, Jay...that's sadly the tyres scrubbing the arch/inner arch definitely front...maybe rear aswell.

    Paul the car at 5.45 was a Corsa OPC or VXR in this country...a few of those were flying round!. On the day I got overtaken by a few cars on the laps. Adam went on at 7.45pm just before they closed and had the whole thing to himself!

  8. It was good fun yes. Last few days started to get stormy but otherwise it was hot (I'm northern so anything above the local IceLand store chest freezer makes me sweat). Hilight of the trip...WallMart. I did also go to Luxury Avenue in Cancun to check out some watches. I tried on a rose gold Hublot and the wife suggested I buy it if I liked it...lol...she didn't realise the assistant said 12.5k she thought she'd said 1.2k.

    Will get a few pics up when I can :lol:

  9. cheers Minxy...

    We do that route as it's most accessible to the rest of the UK (not all from the south) plus it's time to chill on the ferry...oh and it's a much shorter route via Den Hage. The AutoBahn's are shite in a EP...M3 or Porsche perhaps but a 1.3? come on lol

    I suppose you can do it on any budget, anyone wanting to come with us is basically coming with us, not paying us...we'll just organise the hotel and travel etc...makes it easier.

    You may end up spending 500, or may end up spending 2k...it all depends on what you want to do and what your budget allows :D

    As I said originally, nobody has to come with us, we're going anyway, it's just an open invite for uksc. Anyway. I'm in Mexico and the sun is calling me!

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