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Everything posted by Alena

  1. Alena


    hah. as i said.
  2. Alena


    but im nearly doooooone check your email by the way have to say, worst show i've been to was the Fast Show at Santa Pod this year cold, rainy and reeking of barbecue... and coming back at 1am trying not to die on the motorway lol if the weather would have been nicer i would have loved it... sounds like a pussy complaint but you have no idea what it was like hahah... ask Craigy
  3. exactly... the only barbecues i'm interested in are round Glanza_Ragger's house mate
  4. not at all, i have no idea what hes going on about lol... well, i have an idea but i have no idea why hes going on about it
  5. Alena


    i'm making conversation actually
  6. Alena


    so i'm assuming that many of you have taken your spiffing motors to car shows even if you've only driven there, not to put your car on a stand. so my question/s is/are: how many shows have you been to and how many of those were to show YOUR car and how many to park up and look at other people's? what was the best show you've been to and why? what was the worst you've been to and why? are there any upcoming shows you want to go to (and why? )
  7. Alena


    oh... poo. could try adding different endings like .com etc i'd offer to help out but im meant to be doing my graphics exam as it is...
  8. why, would you rather have hot women going round whingeing about how ugly they are to get compliments?
  9. Alena


    try googling pro-parts?
  10. Alena


    ooh it has japanese plates lol... helloooo and welcome from a fellow newbie!
  11. Alena


    hahah yeah and then he gave you a fire extinguisher when you told him kinda like a mission on GTA or something, put out the flames going 90 on the motorway
  12. Alena


    i saw a Mini do that once
  13. well er... i have no comeback to that
  14. Alena


    Gaz that's just scary to be honest though i think that Starlets (especially GTs, Glanzas etc) look different enough from the badboy corsas etc as they are, there's no need to mod them up excessively... but each to their own
  15. it's time to introduce myself and save you lot spamming up other threads that i've posted in.. i'm Alena, 17yo... don't drive a starlet myself but bf has a Glanza, i'm in a few of his photos vogueing it up hahah, and getting put as a driver on it in the future apparently. ello!
  16. lol pfft i get it *leaves* haha
  17. evo people... fags.com lol
  18. n00b: alena.leciel@gmail.com
  19. lol yea that was the whole point, i wasnt entirely serious yknow! (well, maybe)
  20. do you have sweeties?
  21. looks well good, glanzas = yum.
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