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Everything posted by Alena

  1. Craig Alena haha i think
  2. heya, welcome to the site p.s. bit off-topic but Enzo your sig is mesmerising!
  3. nah, i just find it amusing to wind you up
  4. wow, that's a Russian website! magic hehe how did you find it? that's some well nice cars, i decided i dont like the skyline on there though (http://most72.ru/downloads/police/018.jpg), doesnt look v nice.
  5. gaz i'm telling craig on you and your advances towards other people and shut up
  6. what a nob, that's ridiculous lol glad you finally managed to get a quote though
  7. Alena

    hi guys

    *claps* well done Joz Neil: hope you get on ok, make sure to come back and tell us everything about the car!
  8. argh they look terrible what's the point of them?? gotta agree though, the white one is magical
  9. no idea, you'll have to ask the bf about that... but hopefully yar, should be warm as well so will be quite nice! i take it you are?
  10. when does everyone find out their results then?
  11. was i lol normally i'm quite bored there when everyone starts talking about engine stuff, as everything under the bonnet is alien to me and they talk about it a lot but anyway, if you happen to see me again, say hello that goes for all of you
  12. did you? grr why didnt you say hi??
  13. went ok, ahhh that was the only exam where i actually knew what i was on about to be honest... and had to rush writing in the last 5 minutes of the exam because there wasn't enough time for me to say everything i wanted to say lol, i'm not saying how it went because i don't wanna jinx things and fail yeah, good luck everyone i'm hopefully celebrating the end of exams at a greyhound racetrack lol
  14. Prodigy are great to listen to, as is DMX.
  15. heh Gaz you should still have come to Margate yesterday was actually well good! didn't know tomorrow's the deadline though, hope you get it all sorted on time.
  16. nah, got my Business Studies AS today! did fuck all revision lol, same as for the other 3. good luck indeed!
  17. wahey! i would have met you as well but i was at work when you came to pick the wheels up
  18. argh so have i, not looking forward to it got 2 weeks off after that though, gonna try and find myself a different pt job. what exam have you got?
  19. fucking hell, that was well lucky! phew, i can imagine how you feel mate. hehe well good that your work survived, what a freak accident though.
  20. with the blue starlet with stickers, right? (i'm gonna make myself look so stupid if it isn't lol)
  21. hahah well at least you got suitably hammered, just like you should happy belated birthday by the way
  22. ooh and i met Prangers i think... saw his car up bluewater and said hello to the guy standing next to it or something like that.
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