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Everything posted by Alena

  1. happy birthday whoever you are
  2. oldskool! i remember hearing All My Best Friends Are Metalheads when i was like 13
  3. they spend all their time chasing either rudeboy racers or drunk 15 year olds. in Medway anyway.
  4. happy belated birthday! and yeah, the police round here are pricks, Craig's been pulled about 3 times for the past few months and they did number plate/license/insurance checks on him because they didn't think someone aged 20 would be driving an import... fuckers. even my mum thinks they're useless, she saw them helping some guy push his broken car from the middle of the road to a layby and went "oh, they're finally doing something useful then" to be honest, the pigs really piss me off, they just use their badge to intimidate people and instead of hunting down criminals, go after people who
  5. hip-hop/dance/dnb with a dash of metal thrown in here
  6. all of us? oi i like it personally! he might have been just pointing out the little things for argument's sake, i'm sure he didn't mean to slag off you or your ride personally.
  7. what music do you listen to when kaning it around then?
  8. wow, nice one! i like it! whereabouts do you live?
  9. ooh i just realised youre all from bristol hahah *blond moment*. so whats the car scene like there?
  10. Alena

    lovin it

    heya, so do you drive a starlet?
  11. drown your sorrows more like hehe, well if you support England anyway
  12. eww i just noticed that... they don't suit it at all!
  13. i know Craig and Gaz and i met a few people at Bluewater but don't remember who...
  14. haha wicked, i love it when people do that!
  15. haha it was jealous mate! pulled up next to a gt turbo at a traffic light once and the guy in it was like *thumbs up*
  16. well, i have to admit... watching football is better than watching Big Brother!
  17. yeah, all the hype on tv etc is annoying me at the moment... i remember watching an advert on TV (Guinness i think) and it had monkeys in pubs etc watching football and i was thinking "looks about right" kill world cup lol, it's pointless anyway Football Factory is a good film though
  18. i agree with Rubix! each to their own and all that but i personally hate fat balding blokes in pubs eating peanuts and shouting "go on my son!" at the TV when they can't play for shit themselves. my stepdad does it and it just irritates the hell out of me and i hate the fact footballers get paid so much for kicking a ball round a field. waste of money! i know it's media sponsorship and all that but would be better if it went on something useful that people are moaning about, like the water system in england (drought warning my arse, it's been raining for a week now) and yeah. i'm sure i'm no
  19. nice wheels Gaz gotta love it when people dont know the value of things hehe
  20. at least youre getting excercise aii lol
  21. is it meant to look covered in shit?
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