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Everything posted by EP91Bon

  1. Will have to sort something out before the end of the year, would be good see a few other starlets!!
  2. EP91Bon

    So Made Up

    congrats, where about do you work?
  3. Wow - been following this thread for a while now and if im honest I've fell in love with the car lol its looking good, whats your future plans pal?
  4. Hey guys sorry for the long long wait for a reply from me been rather busy and not bothered with the net much - yeah everythings going well except for that gear box lol will be sorted soon hopefully loving the car so much such a nice drive haha jap plates will go on aswell soon yeah kudos to liam d for sorting out my wheel aswell saved a few pennies there. "rite now slam that bastard for the love of god" haha will do j dont worry over and out for now.
  5. ha... cant say I've come across that one yet
  6. Im an iphone owner SHAZAM - most amazing app ever its free aswell (tells you what any song name is if you dont know) Sharpshooter - game amazing! Quest knight - game and yet again good. i did have tonnes more apps but i cracked my phones screen and they set it back to factory settins when they repaired it!
  7. EP91Bon

    Knife Crime

    haha, "i got rooted" great vid
  8. EP91Bon

    Knife Crime

    ha makes me laugh everytime
  9. just had a read mate - car looks mint, really like it!
  10. I've just bought some of these, should be coming tomorrow - ill let you know how it goes mate
  11. Anyone know what size bolts are needed to attach a glanza spoiler?
  12. Yeh man - going to get a spoiler today springs will be soon aswell. thanks for the comment
  13. Right ok - I've listened to three tracks and im already purchasing the album lol... shits all over death magnetic!
  14. just got it on now - will post what i think after I've listened to it all lol
  15. Looks good mate - get them bump strips removed off the side though, it totally transforms the car
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