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About redz11

  • Rank
    Starlet Specialist
  • Birthday 09/13/1989

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  • Gender
  • Location
    North Wales
  • Interests
    starlets <3

    twitter @redzOOO
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  1. Can't believe my last update was 2016! She was back on the road for a while after the Turbo kit was sorted and she made it to a few events, the last one being Japfest 2017 - which was the last show she has been to.. having been off the road since 2018 with a headgasket issue. Throwback to 2017.... Fast forward, she had been sat in my unit gathering dust and being neglected for a good 2 years to which I ended up finding the sills had become rotten and needed urgent attention, these were cut and fabricated by my cousin thankfully... it could have been worse if she wasn't t
  2. do you have the passenger side window reg for sale?
  3. what turbo kit did you have that intercooler hooked up to?
  4. hi yes it is. sorry I've been away off the site for a while pm me
  5. Hey Man

    Are the Coilovers still available? if they are would they suit a street set up EP91? and whats the price of them if they are?



    1. redz11


      Hi sorry they aren't available anymore. they would fit an EP91 also if you look for more in the future.




  6. if you could dude pop me a pm with your price thanks bud
  7. Hey mate the rocker cover is still available? What brand are the coilovers and are there for EP82?

    1. redz11


      hi bud, sorry the coilovers and rocker cover are sold now. I still have a standard rocker cover though if you're after one?




  8. after 2x top and bottom sliders (long and short) for standard ep82 brakes.. If anyone has any let me know i'm struggling to find them.
  9. Ultimately I guess if its taught you a lesson, very lucky to be holding onto the pink licence with such a short ban we can all slate your speed but I know I have done the same more than a few times.... but lucky enough never to have been caught. I stick to going a bit more quick where I know no one will be around, police or other road users.. haha
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