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Posts posted by Foggy

  1. Head gaskets and bottoms ends are string. The issue is as mentioned. Poor maintenance, bad set or badly tuned.

    Unopened 4efte will take 220 bhp no problem as long as the engine is healthy, looks after and mapped

    Also no idea what colin is on about.

    Nothing wrong with the standard head. I'm pushing over 300 for good few years. Never had a issue with a head.

  2. Not agree again...we have 2 starlets td04 at 1.2b, here , and one is with KMS ECU and other with the "crappy" emu , both do the same power with the same set up...

    The only reason for standalone is that on some ECu with some other cars , the greddy cannot drive some informations correctly and it can be a pain :

    For example , with my FE3N turboed mazda ,the EMU cannot use the ignition map correctly and you must go to Standalone , in my case i am totaly agree with you to use standalone Ecu , but for the Starlet 4efte ecu with EMU , they work very well together ...

    In another forum it will be another thread like "ref-flashing Vs Standalone Ecus "

    You can also run 1.2bar on a td04 with premapped ecus like jam and so on. Just because it makes the same power means nothing.

  3. If they won't touch them how do they know they are no good it's probably all just here say you can see loads of graphs produced from the emanage's pumping out very good figures I agree they are not the best ecu in fact I'd rather run a apexi but paying that extra 4-500 pounds etc it wouldn't make it's money worth against the emb I run currently in fact I bet the difference is very minimal maybe even worse. People are pushing massive unconvincing turbo's and all these mega expensive ecu's to me it's just not what the starlets about. They are quickly losing their authenticity to another generation and are getting broken.

    They won't touch them because they use to map them and never get anywhere near the results you would get with a proper ecu. Car will run much smoother with a decent stand alone along with several other benefits. If you want to run 3 times factory power in a starlet good ecu is a must. People spend good money on shiney manifolds and so on and put in crap like a e manage . Good ecu is the foundation of any good build. If you look even at any of the japenese tuners they don't even run japenese ecus anymore. It's all link, haltech and similar ecus

  4. Why do you think these are shitty ecu ?? you can go over 1.5b with an emanage ,it is all in the tune ....

    E manage are a poor piggy back and there is zero comparison to a proper ecu like a haltech. Any decent tuner I know of won't even touch them. No matter how good your tuner is a car tuned on a emanage will not be tuned as good or anyway near as a car tuned on a good ecu . That's just a fact.

  5. TD05 16gs aren't even that laggy though.

    With headwork done they will spool up fine on a 4E.

    Might take longer to hit full boost depending on your chosen level but you will be pushing more power at the lower boost levels so wont matter.

    Stick it to 1.6 - 1.8 bar and you'll love it.

    Agree . They pull like a train anything past 1.5 bar. Raising the rev limit a bit is a must and dont run a shitty ecu like a e manage or anything like that.

  6. When it comes to a ct9 a standard ported manifold is as good and if not better in most cases than an aftermarket item. Toyosport manifolds will only wreck your head. Even when you get them to fit right it will crack in shit after a while. Best advise I can give you is to port the std manifold. Costs nothing only your time.

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