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Posts posted by Nanglebadger

  1. Me too Rich, just runnin 40mm GMax loweing srpings on standard suspension, on NI roads its NOT cool. Nordonian, if the srpings are naturally harsh your TEETH WILL FALL OUT onour shitty roads!!!! The roads really do suck over here!!!!


  2. See, the bulbs should have been fine, Scutch has similar ones in his (i think...) and the other 2 are workin fine. Might give the circuit tester a go, if not its new cluster time!!!! SHAT!!!! Thanks.


  3. Right well it aint the fuses, my bro has checked them all, WHAT THE FECK'S GOIN ON WITH MY CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p:p I just wanted snazzy blue lights!!!! It must have somethin to do with the board on the back of the cluster!!!! This is DEFINATLEY a job for "Challenge Scutch0"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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