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Posts posted by Nanglebadger

  1. Right ladies and gents, the hubby of one of my bosses in work and his mates are lookin to set up an Auto testing circuit (u know all that driving round cones and handbrakin round them etc etc) and they want a RWD starlet They know I've a starlet so have asked what model is RWD, they'll prob look for one in Autotrader or somewhere like that, so i'm askin u hooligans because i dont know!!!!

    Cheers, Phil.

  2. Scutch mate this bonnet has really farked my plans so i'll dive polishin it a go, BUT i WILL DEFINATLEY STILL BE BUYING THE DIALS AS SOON AS YOU HAVE THEM READY FOR SALE, thats DEFINATELY NOT a problem at all...I want them i want them i want them!!! They're so class!!!! Chers buddy.


  3. Gauge has arrived...ordered late tuesday night, arrived on my door step at eleven this norning...now thats wot i call service!!!!! :lol::D Cant wait to get it up and running, esp to see if it lights up at night...not sure if it does or not, i hope so!! :lol::lol:


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