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paul w

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Posts posted by paul w

  1. Jimmy...none!

    Love hunni women always hang around the puffs but it's the guys who REALLY love em puffs :)

    I could go out and buy a Glanza tomorrow if i really felt like it, but i would buy a GT over one any day :thumbsup:

  2. Dogs on leads will almost always bite as they can't get away! The easy way to seperate dogs fighting is to grab the collars and twist, chokes the buggers an they let go. I always choke the other dog first tho, makes sure the aggressor gets battered a bit more and it may learn not to pick a fight next time! Most staffs have the aggression bred out of them now but i've met a few nasty ones around here but thats purely down to chavs having them to look "ARD INNIT"

    I have a working JR (kills things for fun!)and they have a bad rep due to people who have not socialised their dog and can't control them, they are aggressive lil fuckers at times but mine is as soft as shit. Mine was aggressive till i made a point of socialising him with strangers dogs.

    I never have my terrier on a lead, he will go up to any dog and sniff it's arse it's what dogs are meant to do. If the other dog picks a fight then it best look out as both me and my dog will knock the shit out of it!

    Theres no such thing as a bad dog.....just bad owners!

    by the way sparky yorkies were bred to hunt rats and are fuckin good at it given the chance :thumbsup:

  3. If you had bothered to look around a bit theres a huge thread all dedicated to the fact EP82's are the far superior machine in every way although there is some spam from the EP91 owners in there. :)

    As is said in the other thread

    Glanza's are for puffs and girls :lol:

  4. i think your all really closed minded..i come on this forum compared to others like tggt because it used to be friendlier and open to knew ideas, how would it affect any of you if it didnt look as good as real carbon or didnt work out at least some people are willing to try something different..lately i really feel its a shame that this forum is progressing so much in terms of size and from a technical aspect yet the content and huge amount of closed group clicky jokes spam increases. whos to say if bourk tried this he couldnt get a real carbon bonnet in the future when times are more suited, why the "theres no point" type of comments some people might just want the look and if there was no point wouldnt suggest it at all,

    sorry for the rant and no particular targets here either just an overall vibe im getting recently

    I see your point but................

    DO IT CHEAP...............DO IT TWICE!!!!!!!!!

    It's gonna be paying for the same thing twice so is completely daft! Save bourkey mate it will look better in the end.


    carbon sticky sstuff will look better on a roof as it's one bige sheet on a pretty much flat surface, bonnets are more curved so it will never look good!

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