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Posts posted by rob_bower

  1. It's a bit late as it's been a bit manic since I got back from JAE.

    I just wanted to thank everyone that attended and helped make it the awesome weekend that it is. A special thanks to those who helped with the marquee (up and down), BBQ and all the other jobs through the weekend.

    As usual if you can think of anything we can improve on for next year let us know in here or via pm. We've already got a few ideas of things to improve but we're all ears.

    Hope to see you all again next year and hopefully more new faces and maybe some old ones back in the mix.

    Much love


  2. Day tickets are more worth it this year than in previous years imo. There's a bit more to see with the stunt show and watching the learn to drift. There supposed to be a monster gymkhana area to (not seen that yet) and if you want to wander round the club stands or just come say hello it's not a bad day.

    The lols are mainly one the drinking commences though. Definitely were the fun is at.

  3. Getting this out there early. While I have time to sit and write this out.

    We don't ask much of people at JAE, but we do ask that if your there Thursday for opening or Sunday morning that you pitch in and help with the building/dismantling of the marquee to make it light work.

    We will be putting at bit of BBQ food on like last year but we will be doing it Friday and Saturday nights this year. If anyone wishes to chuck anything else in the BBQ pot feel free.

    JAE awards will be announced Saturday night just before the BBQ, feel free to vote at any time, otherwise I'll be nagging people to vote Saturday afternoon. Slips and ballot box will be in the marquee.

    For those who don't already have it my mobile number is 07970602466 if anyone needs me over the weekend.

    For those who haven't read them before the club show rules are here....


    That's it for now, hope you all enjoy the show.

    See you all there.


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