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About rob_bower

  • Rank
    UKSO Resident Chef
  • Birthday 05/07/1984

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  • Interests
    cars, women, beer and food same as most

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  1. Sad times Nick, at least your craving on with it. Great work dude. 👍
  2. Great work nice to see your still plugging away. 👍
  3. This looks mega last year think this might replace jae for me.
  4. I might get on this seen as it’s not bank holiday this year I might actually make it.
  5. Good luck finding one that’s not either a million pounds or that’s been around the universe a million times.
  6. Looks like a good investment Jake. Better space means better work.
  7. No forums are active any more it’s all about fb the other social media platforms 🤦‍♂️
  8. I’m hoping to be there only downside is not till Friday night. (Kids at school)
  9. Me to just need to get the sr t,t &mot’d
  10. Don’t worry Dave apparently mine only had 82bhp 😂
  11. Not done much else lately, it’s been along year but today I actually did something productive and gave it a bath. 😂
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