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Posts posted by Idrees

  1. 133hp is the fly wheel figure Idrees

    the figure shown is the wheel horsepower which is the power going thru the wheels as you loose a little bit of hp through the transmission so its probably about right

    There you go, learn something new everyday :unsure:

    not sure what you mean by here though

    "But thats silly, the turbo won't produce from 115bhp (Standard on low mode) to 186bhp

    So the vid must be the truth"

    Ahh right i thought the GT's had 133 at the wheels!

    Well i mean, as the GT's have a two-mode turbo, you can put it on hi and low. When its on low, its 115bhp (ive heard) so i thought they must have done a bit of a cheat by putting it on low mode for the first roll and on hi mode for the second roll.

  2. Thats ace man!!!

    But how come it only produces 118bhp first? Thats less for a GT right?

    Awww...unless he had the Turbo on low mode on the first roll, and flicked it on Hi on the second roll..

    But thats silly, the turbo won't produce from 115bhp (Standard on low mode) to 186bhp

    So the vid must be the truth :unsure:

  3. Agreed Ryno.

    Idrees_SR - Come back when your older than 15, and stop pretending you have a car. The only thing you can drive is a push bike.

    Who says i pretend to have a car? Ive made it 100% clear that i don't drive and its my brothers car thats a Starlet. The only reason i signed up on the sites is because i like modifying it, which he is too lazy for but doesn't mind me doing anything to it. Nothing can stop me from being on the sites. I'm not the person who starts shit off on TGGT, if you do a search and read all my post's, i never kick off, i make my own opinion like the other hundreds of people on the site, but when i make a comment, idiots make a stupid reply. For example just go to TGGT.com and search topic 'A Cool Corsa'. About 15 people said that car is shit and not worth 14 grand. But suddenly, when i replied, a few 'big boys' started an argument with me, i don't see why they didnt kick off with any other people who said the same thing about the car?

    But if you lot think i shouldn't be on the site and the administraters want me off, i don't mind. I won't log on to the site again.

  4. put it this way, a 4 gauge kit is fine your not gonna have any problems with that. Now when you say your cars stood still, is it running or not? Also how many subs have you got? A second battery would be better but no way should you need 1 running an amp for 6x9's and a sub or even 2. Have you checked your earths? Id say it was a wiring fault or faulty amp.

    When my cars stood still, its just started, not driving. Ive got 2 Fusion amps, 800 watt powering 2x1000 watt orion subs, and a 350 watt amp powering my pioneer 6x9's. The earths are fine, both seperate 4 guage earth leads.

    Wouldn't it be the battery then mate?

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