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Posts posted by Idrees

  1. in my opinion i would get the Remix bits, but not the rear bumper and the spare wheel because thats just hideous!!

    Get a custom rear bumper done that the arches would fit nicely on the ends of it.

    And get a custom made front bumper lip as it looks shit at the bottom wheres it goes in. Also, the front grille would have to be plain black - A must!

    But make sure you take a look at some pics of a N/A Starlet with these parts on, but that would be hard to get hold of so definitely get some photoshopped pics of it.

    I was gonna get that Remix front bumper, but after seeing it on another white Starlet, it looked f*cukin awful, but it did look nice on Prangers car. Maybe because his car looks like a rally car with the blue wheels and that sort of blue paint.

    But at the end of the day, do what you wish to do.

    i really cant believe im the only one that thinks it looks shit, either somethings gone wrong, or i'm surrounded by a bunch of 'yes' men! :) either way its bloody wierd!

    No i'm with you mate, well sort of lol. The rear of this car is absolutely disgusting. With slight mods, the front bumper could look much better..

  2. Yes mate i just leave the tuner in lol, abit pointless having it in at night and takin it out for day! It sounds quite nice with it like that actually, not too loud, just a nice burble to it.

    P.S If you want some wheels like that get off arse n spray urs, they would look cool! :D Its not hard!!

    Thanks for the comment :blink:

  3. Well my mate wanted a lift down to Autopaint for Pinstripe for his Civic VTi, its an old one and he likes it standard and mint so he did the pinstripe over the rubbing strip all around the car as the old one had faded.

    And he picked up a packet of red and black and told me to do my grille with this. Went home n tried it at night, was kinda impressed with it!

    I would have used just the black, but theres the Red SR on the bonnet so i thought it could match it...maybe :blink:

    I like it, nobody has a grille anything like it. if you dont like it...erm TOUGH!!

  4. Right well the neighbours have been complaining too much about the loudness of the exhaust, so took it up to a Powerflow dealer in Leeds who fitted an exhaust tuner.

    Sound has cut down quite alot, but the Apexi filter gives a sweet roar which gives us a smile!

    Heres a pic.

    1. DSC0117212.jpg

    Also fitted the winter GT rims which i sprayed

    Don't have a clear pic while fitted on car though

    I'll get some better ones in the daytime.

    1. DSC01169.jpg

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