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Rob H@RCH Engineering

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Posts posted by Rob H@RCH Engineering

  1. sounds sweet dude, look forward to meeting you and seeing it!

    Them rear lights have to go tho!

    NO the rear lights are staying! they have been like that almost as long as I have had the car I bet I had only had it 2 weeks before I did em it took ages to mask em up for painting but thats the advantage of working at a bus garage lol ya get paid for maxing lol

  2. The bigger TB would give much better response also... but yes the stock item will flow well enough for alot of power...

    But Burny is after alot of power... so.. lol

    In what way do you mean it will give better response? How are you measureing the response because by response it can mean a lot of things, but from what your saying it sounds like race tech may have measured this. Hence me wondering how it's been measured. Which I'm sure you'll agree, is a valid questions to your statement

  3. I agree but a lot of power is spoiled if there is loads of lag too, depends on how important to ya looks are over power, but thats just me I have been around long enough to have seen lots fail and lots succeed lol as much as ya like the facts are all a round!

  4. If you cant drive...

    I have 340bhp.. 2nd gear no problem at all in the dry with decent tyres...

    Its very good at putting power down... LSD Win.

    Traction control, launch control, Boost by gear and cusco 1.5 diff!!! quad WIN lol

    Ups forgot the anti lag!!!!!

  5. The 4EFE cranks are marked different to the turbo cranks efe= 4e and fte= 4et, the cranks are the same to look at other than the casting marks, but they are interchangeable as for strength I dont know how they compare lol

    This is the N/A crank in mine where this says 4E the turbo one says 4ET


  6. He had Gems modify the soft wear so he has all the Gems features for tuning the AEM ecu and they did it all for him!!! It's like he has them by the balls lol one email or phone call and all is done he just phones the MD of Gems there service is second to non!

  7. Got a bit more mapping done yesterday it still needs rest of the trimming and fine setting up and then taking up to 1.6-1.8bar we are still waiting for GEMS to iron out a couple of problems with the soft wear too but I am still happy so far!!

  8. Cheers lads its been a long time coming but its getting there it was quite a feeling getting it on the DynoPacks after its been off the road so long now, its almost a year now since it came off the road!

  9. Well we have started tuning it now only in the very early stages yet run out of time today but its running sweet as now and sounds so much better than it does in the video even tho its only just starting to make boooooooooostrockon.gifrockon.gifrockon.gif

  10. Give the valve spring retainers a tap with a hammer and a socket BEFORE you wined the piston to the top to free off the collets it will make them easier to remove once the piston is up at the top, use a pair of long nose pliers to pull off the seal or you can get some proper valve seal pliers that make the job much easier. do them one cylinder at a time.

  11. There is a pick in the link to the tgtt guide to removing the head of fitting the service bolt I dont have one to hand but I do have the TOYOTA work shop manual and supplement for the engine over at the garage!

    As Flaminsam says its a much easyer way of doing it leaving the head on and using compressed air to hold the valves closed,

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