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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Lol well done Si! you saved the day yet again!
  2. i would say we were a good 6 hours
  3. Great pics Jag! was a great day in all! really enjoyed it
  4. well why dont you go and buy your own banzai copy??
  5. will do it when i get near a scanner
  6. Really enjoyed this day - we had good times taking photos hehe!! I like photos 3 and 5 best though hehe!
  7. Joey


    oo Mikey Jay has that game i think
  8. Joey


    Nah my bro has one of them!
  9. yeah okay just realised that Andy got there before me - will see if i can scan the pics in at some point
  10. Joey


    I will hopefully join the xbox world next month
  11. For those of you who went to JAE 2008 - we must feel really proud today! We are officially in the Banzai magazine this month! Great entries by the guys and I see Enzo's car makes a nice appearance also! I hope people have been out and bought their copies !!!! Well done all!
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