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Everything posted by Joey

  1. Joey


    I am completely horrified at the actions of some children nowadays! As people have said, where were his parents??? a 7 year old should not be allowed out on his own! He should be punished!! Sod the law! A bit of community service wouldn't go amiss! If he is old enough to kill animals then he is old enough to pay for his actions! Cruelty to animals is one of the worst problems in this world! It sickens me
  2. Wow a member from the wonderful land of LA! Welcome to the site
  3. ooo pinky - not too bad - i was expecting this really horrid pink from the thread title!
  4. looks like you had a fab time! Pics are lovely!
  5. 1. How old are you? 21 2. What is your favourite type of music? Bit of everything Pop and Dance 3. Do you have a particular hobby (apart from cars)? If so what is it? Shopping! 4. What do you work as? Legal Secretary 5. If you could do any job, what would it be? Artist 6. Whats your favourite film of all time? hmm tough one - cant really choose 7. Favourite actor & actress? Actor - Ben Stiller (because hes amusing) Actress - Drew Barrymore 8. Would you sleep with the opposite sex for £1 million? I would guess so 9. If you had £20,000 to spend on a car, what would you buy?
  6. only had the VXR flag because they were being given out free lol!
  7. @ Bourkey : Hehe they are fab days out - there is truck racing on in November which i am keen on seeing. @ Rich : That would never happen! im not a Jason Plato fan :D
  8. Thanks - why dont you keep an eye on the brands hatch website for the events?
  9. On Sunday I had the great pleasure to go and watch the Touring Cars at Brands Hatch. The day was absolutely amazing! The pics will speak for themselves I got to go to the pits!!!! Yes thats right - who had her pic taken with Team Halford? Joey did!! Got loads of autographs and signed memorabilia too! fab day Enjoy
  10. Guess i need to get my nursing skills out again
  11. Happy 21st jagster!!! Have a fabo day!! x
  12. Joey


    im just glad that the weekend is going to be nice as I am going to Brands Hatch on Sunday to see the BTCC!! Cant wait!
  13. they would look awesome on your car Sparky!
  14. Bloody hell talk about heart attack!!!!
  15. Lovely car Zo!! Shes a beaut! Looking forward to seeing her at the next JAE Glad your enjoying her - i would love to be Dom right now riding in all these GT's
  16. was one of the first people i met on UKSC
  17. Thoroughly enjoyed this day - would do it again
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