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Everything posted by Joey

  1. lol could have a lot of fun with those!
  2. is going to live with me for a whole week! (poor guy )
  3. I will be on too!!!! Love Halo! Joey Jay Jay is my tag though im only on live when Mikey is not on it
  4. You should have done it recorded delivery so that it could be traced - i admit though they arent the most efficient of places!
  5. Great game although im not very good
  6. Good pics - looks like you had a good day
  7. Joey


    Will remind him later lol
  8. Joey


    im sure he has read this post so you have told him
  9. DOES get pie often enough Has a really nice car and took his gf to Alton Towers recently
  10. This is where Mikey and I spent Friday
  11. Is the best boyfriend in the world
  12. Bet she was a happy bride Mikey you wouldnt be like that - unless you were drunkard!
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