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Posts posted by aaddzz123

  1. Hi. Just brought myself a nice little nardi wheel at JAE, now looking for a boss to fit it to the GT and can't find one.... Measured the holes and from centre of the hole to the centre of the one across from it seems to be 74mm... Anyone else got a nardi wheel in a GT? I can't even seem to find a "genuine" nardi boss lol.

    HELP :thumbsup:

  2. If curiosity killed the cat then my cat is well and truly dead (NOTE. no cats were harmed in the making of this comment )

    this topics a bit of a pointless one tho innit


    tut, fiiiiiiiiiine I'll change the titleeee :D

  3. I've been taking ephe for a year or so with no side effects either...

    High Six!

    I joke, I joke! ;)

    lol! I laughed :p.

    Just do lots of excercise and eat chicken salads mate. If you want a flat belly then you're gonna have to work it not just lose weight. I'm 5ft8 and 10 stone 8 lbs and I still have a little pot belly if I let it hang out. Get doing sit ups, crunches etc and you'll notice a big difference... Might need a bit more time than what you have left though.

  4. Still only got about 10 teeth in the ratchets and the spanners are made of chocolate.

    When you use tools day in day out you really notice the difference and would rather pay more for the extra quality

    Sorry mate but this post made me laugh :p. I own this set (have done for years) and working in a garage for the past 6 months with a snap on feind, the quality is pretty much the same to be completely honest. I've NEVER broken one of their chocolate spanners, or had any problems with the mechanical parts in any of the tools. I've hit them with hammers, thrown them in tempers, used massive leaver bars on the ratchets etc etc and still no problems lol....

    When you take into mind that a set of snap on spanners 8mm to 19mm costs between £70 - £90 from "the man" and a full halfrauds set costs £99......... lol!

    They are douche bags at halfrauds though don't get me wrong :p...... just my peice

  5. Ey up cock that ain't nice mr Bluebear is it shag :harhar:

    U like my yorkshire impression :D

    lol I do :D I knew what you were getting at after reading "ey up" haha :D

    Socks doesn't even like show and shine, he gets his car cleaned by other people... And he told me that ninjas are shit and anyone that wears a pink cowboy hat wants a good bumming, which is why he's inviting you to his tent... I think he should be disqualified.......(love you matt haha! :D)

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