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About mrs_b

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  • Birthday 08/23/1984

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    With rob_bower in our little apartment in Worksop :-)
  1. Hello Ladies & Gents Looking forward to a fresh start with UKSO. As some of you may (or may not) know, myself & the wife have a lot going on over the next few months on top of the starlet build & I'm looking forward to seeing him enjoy it all instead of spending hours stressed, fucked off & upset by things that happen. UKSO is going to be exactly what UKSC started out as...its a family, somewhere everyone can enjoy coming, everyone is welcome, not for profit, completely transparent to members & best of all...it will have slutty brownies!
  2. Don't tell me you were looking at the 'interesting' pictures of me too?!? Not a chance I think my cleavage stopped much chance of me being upstaged Not me...I have high standards
  3. Right then, official wedding pictures are back tonight Just thought we'd add a bit of a rogues gallery of those UKSC members at the wedding for everyone to have a nosey/laugh at & a bit of a preview for a certain Nanglebadger. Liam_D and mrs Liam_D were in attendance but I have no picture of them for some reason I will find one somewhere! Mr B getting a helping hand from the Nanglebadger Mr B getting a helping hand from SiCaln (anyone would think he couldn't dress himself!!!) Looking smart & ready to go All smart outside church before the festivities really kicked off S
  4. We'll show you them when we've had a proper look
  5. Oh my god. Phil. The pictures. Amazing. That is all I can say. I can't wait for you to see them!
  6. We couldn't not give you a present ;) You & Mrs badger were absolute gems the entire time you were with us! And as best man #2 (second only to Daddy Bower!) you deserved a pressie ;) I had to see you open it, Rob said you'd be really chuffed with them & I wanted the pleasure of seeing a couple of bits of plastic make someone so happy ;) You can pay if you like, I believe there may be some photographic evidence!
  7. Nope, not asleep at all ;) Just having internet catchup time! Honeymoons definitely mean 'maximum shaggage' as you put it.... But he's ruined so I have to give him a break occasionally ;p It wouldn't have been the same without you guys there! And I don't know how we'd have coped without your good self & the fabulous mrs badger ;) Which reminds me, she needs to come to JAE one year soon...and we need to come visit the badger emporium too ;)
  8. Well, feel free to ring us whenever you fancy :-) Oooh, by the way, I have handjob nails again! They're a rather nice shade of red ;) with matching toe nails
  9. You love listening to Geo's dulcet tones on the phone Just as you love listening to Rob's (and mine obviously!) ;)
  10. Perhaps a paypal account might be the way to go? Having a commitee and meetings blah blah blah might get a little complicated! And like phil says, its not going to be practical for the entire team of mods and admin to get together, as much as they'd like to! I think the plan for next year will be advanced tickets only on the stand because it will help in terms of deciding how big a pitch we need to book, meaning we won't book & pay for too much so there'll be no wasted money! ;) It also cuts down on the chances of people pulling out at short notice, once people have paid they're more
  11. It all depends on what people are prepared to pay for their tickets. I suggested to Rob last night that, for example, if tickets are £20 then people pay £30 with that covering the cost of their ticket, postage and a contribution to the club but he feels that members wouldn't pay that much. What do other people think? Should we stick it at £25 with people adding what they see fit as a donation? I definitely think that everyone who want to benefit from things should be prepared to chip in. I mean, I've chipped in every year we've been and up until a week (ish) ago, I wasn
  12. John is right that the club doesn't generate money as such (it does but it goes towards paying for the hosting etc), definitely making things more difficult to put into place, but if I'm honest, I don't think a yearly membership fee is the way to go, partly because a lot of members wouldn't pay it and because not everyone goes to a show meaning some people wouldn't necessarily see the physical benefits such as an improved club stand at shows such as JAE. We don't want to see the club dissapear and die In terms of a fee for certain areas, what about a fee for the traders? It doesn't have to
  13. Cheers John. I definitely agree about doing your research as its something you're stuck with forever and there are some pretty crappy tattoo artists out there! I spent years toying with what I wanted and who I wanted to do it. Quite a few people did see a bit of me that weekend but I'm not shy I'm very proud of my pictures! I was told that numbing cream can make the skin difficult to tattoo so I didn't use anything. Despite being worried about the pain, I think if you want it you'll grit your teeth and bear with it. Mine was 3 hours of work & I had it in one sitting despite the fact
  14. I'm going to be a bit of a gob-shite now (nothing new there then!) and say things that I'd imagine a lot of people are thinking Phil's right. Certain things are out of Rob's hands. I know there were supposed to be ramps over the speedbumps but for some reason they weren't there. I'm sure it'll get fed back to John (and not only by Rob!) so thats all that can be done on that matter. If there's anything else that needs feeding back to the organisers (such as the location of the activities) then let us know and we'll do that. In terms of activities during the day, we have tried to get peop
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