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Everything posted by ali_legend

  1. Hmm yh true its just there so many whites out there would be stuck on which one to get. lool then id get white primer and laquer so that would prob come to the same price as 2 cans of hammerite.
  2. This is gunna sound cheeky but could you do us one last favour please mate.! Could you do the all white alloys and black with red lip that arnt lowered atall.? ( just the two)Pretty please pal would appreciate this a whole heap
  3. Lol no problem matey YH lol not gunna be using hammerite alloy spray on the side mirrors just gotta get a match somehow.
  4. Hi guys is hammerite the best spray to use to do my alloys.? will it be the primer, and laquer aswell aswell as the actually spray.? is this the right one.? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HAMMERITE-DIRECT-RUS...43#ht_500wt_949 cheers guys
  5. As a rough estimate how many mill do you think the piks are lowered by.?
  6. Yh im thinking white with lip, ive got some rim tape so if the lip looks shite i can just peel it off
  7. The side mirrors are gunna be sprayed white (base staying black though.) i think all white
  8. Its defo out of black with red lip or full white.? hmm brother says all white.
  9. Ive got an original toyota one in white and red
  10. For all you photohopers ive got a photoshop that needs doing please.! ive put a topic up so if sum1s got the time id really appreciate it. Cheers
  11. lol yh hopefully someone will have a crack at it.
  12. Right guys could some1 whos a photoshop ace do us a favour please.? if some1 could change the alloys to white with a red lip please and one white with no lip. Exactly the same for black aswell please.? I would really appreciate this. please guys/girls. p.s if some1 could lower the car slightly this would also be much appreciated (if this is possible.) Ino its not a good pik but my cameras broke PLEASE SOMEBODY
  13. Howdy guys.! Ino japfest is time away but all excited now.! Lol ny1 leavin from round leicester so we can have our little convoy to meet up with every1 else.? Cheers guys
  14. 12.00 oclock.!!! Who won.? lol
  15. I love hou because i Pm'D him tryin to get these stickers to which he had me fucked lol
  16. hmmm i love hou because.....................hmmmmm ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I JUST FUKIN LOVE HIM.!
  17. i love hou because he is offering two free stickers
  18. i tihink this competition finishes today.? LOL
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