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Everything posted by miracle411

  1. I'd be able to do you one mate, give me a shout on msn with the details sizes etc and i'll see what i come up with.
  2. If i remember i unhooked the rod from the outside after pulling hte handle off, there should be a little bit of play in it.
  3. Mine are DJ's and producers so does that still count?? 1. Calibre 2. Logistics 3. Dillinja
  4. Also when changing the front seats you will need to drill 2 small holes in your floor for the guiding pins to sit as they're on different sides to the stock seats. Hope that helps. Rear bench only 2-4 bolts actually line up its not a straight forward swap and the bottom part of the bench doesn't clip in either for me, it just sat lose.
  5. I got a GT Turbo spoiler for same if you want one, they can be made to fit and look quite nice i think. Give me a shout if your interested. Also has a brake light built in.
  6. Wow, awesome shots, that first red Celica is totally cream worthy, Looks like a good day out to be honest, wish i lived a little closer. Peace.
  7. Yeh i changed mine, bit of a ball ache really. Two bolts holding the handles in place either side of it. 10mm i think they are, pretty tricky to get to but it will come off, also there's a small green clip holding the rod in place don't lose that down the door as i did, quite fiddly to do but possible without going crazy.
  8. Last posted at 12.41 am in this thread!
  9. What colour is it mate?? If its white i need the passenger door pls and price. Cheers.
  10. Have you considered the Ultraleggara's?? I also like the Buddy Clubs on the end too though.
  11. Thats a wicked drawing dude, and your car will look hot once you do those mods, looking forward to seeing that soon.
  12. I think they would look nice depending on the colour and size, the silver ones are well suited i think, what colour is your car firstly?
  13. I think they would look nice depending on the colour and size, the silver ones are well suited i think, what colour is your car firstly?
  14. I used to run 45's on A539's. I felt like the 45's had better grip and a more responsive turn in feel, but i can also agree that they are a little harsher ride. Depends what your comfy with really.
  15. Yum, the splitter brings out all the right parts on the car now mate, especially the colour, it seems to gleem more now. Looks great now, nice work dude. Keep it up.
  16. Haha, should've know that was coming really, £450 for the Bronze set then you've got a deal.
  17. I agree with you man, once i get my FMIC i'll be cutting out the bottom grill for definate, Thanks a lot Phil your words are totally inspiring, it means a lot. Cheers.
  18. Ok, i bought my GT from Japan about 5 months ago, since May i've been running the website to show the progress of my car little by little. I thought it would be a good idea to make a site to help people modify there Starlet and to see how the parts i buy perform on the car. project-ep82 I've got the car the a stage where its worthy of its own post. Please check my site and enjoy the images.
  19. Congrats mate, both cars looking kool in the shots. Take it easy!
  20. I say we go to Doncaster then instead people as there are a few other Starlets there, all cruises are full of chavs i'm affraid can't be helped.
  21. I'll go on Sunday then dude, could set off around 7pm or something and meet on the M62. I don't know many other Starlet owners locally but try Gee anyways.
  22. I saw Gee and his car last night actually, was a pretty funny coincidence, lucky to take a ride in it though it looked rapid when i followed him down to Pod.
  23. Doncasters only like 40minutes away really so i'd be up for that, there's also Pontefract on a Sunday which is pretty big so we could use that as our meeting place too. I'm up for anywhere really as i can't recall a Yorkshire Starlet meet to date.
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