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Everything posted by neilsmith

  1. I really want these but wont have the cash untill next week is there anychance you could keep it running for another week? I Definatley want a set if you can! Cheers
  2. Is there a certain date you are posting the coilovers or are you posting them as soon as you recieve the cash?
  3. Alright mate I've got disks here for your car if you want them, they were on my car for a month covering only a few hundred miles so are basicly still new i paid £60 for them but could sell u them for £30 posted if you like, pm me if your interested.
  4. Alright, how much would it be for me if i was to put my name down now? Delivery would be to scotland, not the highlands tho lol. Get payed next week and need a set of coilovers and these look good and I've seen plenty of good feedback on them. Cheers
  5. Some pictures of the spray job and the crash. I got myself another starlet the day that i crashed it (2 saturdays ago) I've got my engine etc in my new one and its getting painted tomorrow
  6. Was on the motorway flat out in the wet and the back end went out and the car just spun and went into the crash barrier the thing is tho i was driving in a streight line :S i will get some pictures up in a minute. I just got it painted 4 weeks ago to gutted like.
  7. Alright, I've got a ct20 turbo and a tongs gt spec ct9 hybrid Both turbos need rebuilt but im only wanting to rebuild one of them because of the cost so im wondering which one would be best to get rebuilt? Obviously the ct9 will be less laggy but the ct20 will give more top end power so im stuck for choice lol Which one should i go for?
  8. That will be great if you could have a word with him for me, hes not responding to any of my calls or texts, just ignoring me now that hes got the money. I hate seeing people getting ripped off and its even worse when it happens to yourself, people shouldent get away with it. Its not as if its just a couple of quid either, its a few hundred quid.
  9. Recently bought a tongs turbo off this guy supposidly in 'good working condition' but when i adventually recieved it there was more shaft play than any other turbo I've ever seen, the compressor blades were touching the inlet trumpet! Also could see signs of oil inside the exhaust housing but he had obviously gave it a good clean. Anyway i put it on the car to see what it was like and as soon as i started it up there was just a huge constent cloud of smoke Now the guy wont answer my calls or texts so he has ripped me off! I recomend anyone to avoid this guy. Heres the link when i got the tur
  10. Its a 4efte engine thats in it. Aye that intercooler made a big difference from the stock one, the intercooler is for sale if anyone wants it . Started the painting today, its coming along nice
  11. Painting my car this weekend guys doing it milano red, will get pics up as soon as its done
  12. Haha had lots of comments on the colour lol. Im going to paint it red, should be done in a few weeks.
  13. Little update. Got my front mount air filter on now, Hks mushroom:P Can get this kit for anyone for £80
  14. Alright mate, youv got the exact same problem as what i had! Your getting boost creep from the front mount air filter and gutted cat. I was running a front mount air filter, gutted cat, hks actuator. I only got the problem solved at the weekend there, i had to port my weastegate out and what a difference it made! Im now running 11 psi and not hit fuel cut since You need to port your wastegate or go external wastegate, or I've got a spare turbo sitting here which has already been ported which you could buy if you liked.
  15. Alright mate, sounds like a chipped blade or the turbo bearing. If you find out your turbo is fu**ed then I've got one for sale just let me know Cheers
  16. Its got a rx7 intercooler, autobahn decat, front mount air filter, hi boost/lo boost has been bypassed and its got a cobra sport exhaust. Thats all the mods, it was running fine at 13 psi with the standard actuator, im going to put the standard actuator back on and see how it runs. I picked up anbother turbo last night so im going to port the wastegate on that then swap them over.
  17. Am not sure how the standard was boosting lower, totaly puzzled. I've not got supporting mods to run anything over 13 psi, thats why im trying to get the boost down. Im going to port the wastegate and see what happens
  18. Anyone else? Someone suggested to me that the wastegate needs ported. Anyone got any info n this and any instructions? Cheers
  19. I've tryed bothe ways, is screwing it out the right way? Anticlockwise? Cheers
  20. I fitted a hks actuator to my starlet on sunday and no matter how much i adjust it, it just keeps hitting fuel cut and is running 14 psi. With the standard actuator it was running 13 psi. No matter how much i adjust the hks actuator, its still running 14psi and is hitting fuel cut. Someone please help me Thanks.
  21. I got my magnecore leads today Makes a slight difference, little more responsive. Pics up soon.
  22. Cheers for the replys. Nice rockers covers got an air filter relocation kit coming this week and a hks mushroom filter lol. Going to get the wire brush bit for the drill and get started with that then some fine wet and dry paper then autosol. See how i get on and i will get pics up when its finished
  23. Alright, im going to polish my rocker cover next week when i get a new gasket. Does anyone know a good way to get a nice shiny mirror finish? Any tips like what did you use? Etc. Picture of my rocker cover bellow, its not in the best of cosmetic condition lol Cheers
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