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Everything posted by PhilGT93

  1. can you get a triple ne mate ? id prefer it but don't know if u get them
  2. yea sunroof was a bonus need to get it clean and running and get my stamp on it
  3. well ino it hasn't been long but 6 weeks without one of these and seeing people in them depressed me so much so i kept hunting and hunting and ended up with a rather nice bargain but obviously as every bargain it has its faults .... this needs an engine swap ( luckilly i have one) so this is going to get done over next couple of weeks as i want everything cleaning and painting first so ill keep this updated but for now a few more pics and a short spec list basic spec- sunroof model standard interior 2 gauge pillar pod(getting changed) carbon above radio coming out
  4. yea micky knows me so if you need bits aswell sure we can arrange something
  5. we'l see micky anyway i got some pics i need to get up of this deconstruction thread
  6. haha onyl a try like dont no if il like it as much or not yet
  7. haha ino it was quick mate but was 2 rotten to repair otherwise i'd of pulled it streight. and its tempting mate but think im going to try glanza this time
  8. no sorry mate nothing front end wise
  9. well i did look into this and possible ways of keeping her alive but sadly it was 2 rotten through out all the sills were full of holes full length of car 2 major ones at front of doors so i've had to break it unfortunately but at least it will live on in other members ep's alredy in toffinators glanza , stevegt's and mickyboys and soon to be gt nick and lew777 so im happy its going to live on will get pics of how she stands and when its time for its fairwell
  10. you been stealing from work again there mate this is coming on lovely now and get the other pic up from fb its better
  11. sounds like it could be worth putting to a side then i did my own research aswell and aparently its very similar to the gt20
  12. garrett dont even have this turbo on there product list the closest 2 are off a terrano which is possible for this but its totally different tothe terrano ones i have :/
  13. nah mate its a fair chunk bigger than the ct9 tho ill find out what engine its off tommorow though
  14. right guys as title says wondered if anyone recognised these numbers ? i was turbo hunting at work and came across it
  15. if you just want standard one i may have ill look tommorow
  16. gear know is black one in picture and £12 posted + fees
  17. pictures of mats front 2 well used and worn rear 3 verry good nic hardly used
  18. can do mate pm me your postcode and ill geta rough price tommorow
  19. I'm neer Middlesbrough mate ts134aq And I'll get some now
  20. No toms mate only optionals are some well used mats and rear speakers that need repairing And £30 collected for FALSE floor mate unless any intrest in whole lot as its never been used yet
  21. Car for breaking: 1993 mk2 gt Condition: front end damange and bad rot Mileage:147000km Aftermarket parts: , recaro's, japspeed cat back, keskin alloys, vibe boot build, tegiwa gear knob, razo pedals, muff diver cat back, couple of air filters, filter relocation kit, toyosport decat Parts sold: stainless manifold,gearbox,engine,front strut brace,drive shafts,sideskirk brackets, wheel nuts, headlight plugs,screemer,shell,rear axle and calipers, front brakes, Price & conditions: pm if you need anything and ill give you a price and will deliver smaller items large ones collection prefe
  22. just wondering if thers any difference in the ep82 & 91 boot space so ino if i can swap my boot build over
  23. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300716865057?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
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