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Posts posted by daniel_g

  1. Oh right, nah i used to go to the gym but i've no time these days. Really should get back into it though. So not much point starting on the power shakes until i get back to the gym?

  2. I'm really underweight, 9.5 stone at 18 and i'm 6ft 1. I eat a lot of food healthy and unhealthy and i'm not food fussy at all. I'm a mechanic so do quite a lot of physical work but a need to gain weight and muscle. Should i just start using weight gain power shakes?

  3. Haha at vids. A cat kept coming into my garden and shitting on the grass next to the door step. NOT FUNNY. So i bought a laser pen off www.spymodex.com ( green 50ma fucking beast) and kept shining it at the cats face, and now it come round any more. Recommended man.

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