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Mikey Monkfish

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Everything posted by Mikey Monkfish

  1. I wash the car whenever it looks dirty and the weather permits me to do it. I've only washed the GT twice since I've had her (Which is closing on 5 weeks now) but the weather has been poop. I have 3 types of wash I usually do... "Quick" wash... (30-40 mins) Shower car (Jet spray to remove bird shit etc) Wash down with Meguiers Gold Class or Nxt Gen shampoo (I use a sponge, shame on me) Squeegee down with Turtle Wax squeegee Wash wheels using remaining water in bucket from car and wheel brush. "Normal" wash... (2.5-3 hrs) Shower car (Jet spray to remove bird shit etc) Wash down with Meguier
  2. A-Plan would be my bet, they beat any other quote I had hands down. The closest was £659 Standard with Elephant.co.uk, but they didn't want to know with the engine mods.
  3. The insurance people you spoke to must have been on about the 1.3 NA. Toyota never released the Turbo's over here, which is why almost all of them are de-cat'd (No MOT emissions problems see )
  4. None of the Turbo Starlets are UK, they're all imports.
  5. I wouldn't imagine you would have too much trouble. I didn't with the GT... Your best bet would be to try the specialist insurers first. Tesco wouldn't touch me (Under 25, import blah blah) so I tried (As recommended too me) A-Plan Insurance. I'm insured with them on the GT. Fully comp in my name, £650 bonus protected all mods declared and covered like for like (I'm 24, 3 points SP30, 1 non-fault claim and 4yrs NCD)
  6. Looks awesome, I can't believe how much it has changed.
  7. Flash looking FMIC you got there So, that'll be you spending hours every weekend with the Autosol
  8. They were tinted when I had the car. There is still a bit of orange showing through, which is a shame. They would have looked much better if clear lenses were tinted. I may change them in time, but that's fairly low on my priorities list at the moment.
  9. I've not even polished her yet. There are some swirls and cobwebbing in the paintwork, so when the weather improves I'll be out there with the Meguiers cutting compound and rotary buffer
  10. Awesome stuff, I can see me getting some of those
  11. Ahh, that would have been my mate (Who I bought her off) Seab. I'd imagine that was not long after he had it when it was fairly stock, as it can be seen blatting about chasing Focus ST's and Megane Sport 225's now. I wouldn't waste my petrol on Pug GTi's or Saxo's now...
  12. Uh huh, I bought it off a mate of mine (Seab) from Swansea. 'twas on eBay at one point...
  13. Uh huh. Was probably one of the last to roll off the production line before the '91 came out I'll have to do some digging around for some info on the Chassis number As for the splitter, I'm keeping eye out for a Laguna jobbie. I'm not even sure what one looks like, but I've been told they look good, so I'll get one when I can
  14. Cheers for the comments peeps Is there a project diary section? I'll get one on the go if there is...
  15. Thanks... I am indeed on TGTT. There can only be one Monkfish with a Sexy GT
  16. I was thinking the same as Raffi, I've seen some of Kelly's "Bodywork" on TGTT and I'm jealous...
  17. Nah, us Welsh don't pay any attention to anything as insignificant as Time
  18. Cool beans. I'll probably be around Bridgend once I've finished work, not sure what I'm doing yet. I'll be out later in the night from 9ish anyway, usually around SCS car park. Anyway, back on topic (You've de-railed both my topics now, lol )
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