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Posts posted by Whitenoize

  1. Really beautiful when luke had it! And that paint was flawless.

    Am i right in thinking the last owner ofloaded the cage, seats (black corbeau ) and pexi windows before you got it? He sold purple seats for black ones i remember that much.

    I remember from insta he painted the cage black and added the pexi window.


    it didn't come with the seats or windows mate but I've the cage in my garage it's up for same at the min I'm going to use the car daily and the cage was a pain in the ass climbing in and out of it
  2. Mmm lovely that.

    Yeah it's a shame it has deterrioated, however it will with use.

    I have some projects that are mint, and are unlikely the go south any time soon due to the fact I never want to use it.

    So sure it's a little worse for wear, but surely that's just down to solid use.

    Nice bike.

    What is it a wr400?

    don't think it's just down to use mate it's more neglected if anything lol

    The bike is a xt660x it's great fun sold my 600rr and got this for commuting to work

  3. beggers belief mate it was around japfest 2 at rockingham two year ago the car was just finished and it was all fresh , hope youget something sorted

    p.s - how come you wanted me to send you bottom side of that rocker cover ?

    it's madness that it's went down hill so fast ... shit sorry mate I forgot to get back to you about that rocker have you still got it ?
  4. Bit of an update

    Had an absolute disaster of a start to the day got up this morning 05:30 am the drive up the Chester to collect all the interior parts I need from a fellow member on here. Got on the m25 and stoped to fuel up then about 5 miles down the road my girlfriends car decided to stop working lol I honestly thought I'd put petrol in it (it's a diesel) but turns out I didn't the fuel pump has just shit itself thankfully lol gutted didn't make it to Chester obviously..but on the plus side I got loads done on the car

    So first job was to get the emange out of the centre console and bin that stupid water temp gauge I thought it was a bit of a stupid place to have the ecu tbh flashing in my face all time and the temp gauge on the dash works I'm not so concerned about my water temp that I need two gauges haha



    And after


    I know that still looks shit but when I get air vents and a new centre console it will be good a gold

    Emanage wer it should be


    Soooo when I started to move the ecu about and having a look under the dash As usual the wiring was a fucking mess all sorts of shit birds nests everywhere so I got balls deep in removing loads of stuff that wasn't needed

    Got rid of all this shit and removed all the leftover a/c


    Some service items are starting to turn up nowIMG_0756_zpshzz6hfir.jpg

    loads more to go and a few bits coming from rhd going to build up a nice pile of things to do and smash it all out on one weekend no modifications all essential maintenance

    A bit pissed of with the fuel filter tbh got from id workz on eBay no mention of it being bare metal and it shows a black one in the add

    Had a good look round the cars bodywork to see what's going to need done

    Skirts need removed ,some work and refitted properly



    Big chip


    Cracked bumper


    Glue from the wind deflectors


    Oh and shit door cards


    Any way the sun was splitting the trees by now only one thing for it .. out on the other toy


  5. Welcome back mate and as above that intro

    I was chatting tou on facebook about the orginal owner :) its ashame its been neglected it was stunning!

    Looking forward to the updates


    ah yes mate I remember now I managed to get in contact with Luke and it's safe to say I'll never match the colour it's a full custom paint job not to sure what I'm going to do about paint tbh
  6. still looks lovely this shame this doesnt have the purple/pink sparco seats i sold one of the previous owners it looked the tits with the cage that was in it

    the pictures are very deceiving tbh mate needs a fair bit of tidying up I haven't seen the seat mate but I've the cage in my garage took it out last night
  7. Jesus Ryan mate youve got issues!!

    Do like the look of that V

    I know mate I'm not even going to say I'm keeping this one because I've said it with every one of them lol plan is just to tidy this one up and daily it see how it goes

  8. Well guys and girls I'm back again with number emmmm I've lost count... but I've decided I don't like having money in the bank anymore or seeing my girlfriend and kids so I've done the most natural thing and went and got another starlet I'm going to be skint and lonely and live in my garage again 😂

    Here's a few pics of my old cars I'm sure some of you will remember them

    First starlet many moons ago


    And another



    And another



    And another white gt



    Anyway I'm sure yours get the idea I've got a bit of a starlet problem I'm into double figures now 🙈

    Had a few hondas diatsu,s and a Lexus in between but always end up back in a starlet.

    So I've picked up this glanza last week don't be fooled by the pictures it's a bit of a dog tbh and needs a far bit of work but the engine is good and strong and all the parts are already on the car so I actually don't need to buy much of once.. it needs loads of general maintenance and tidying and I mean loads it's been neglected for a while now which is a shame as it was a lovely car once upon a time I'll do a full spec list tomorrow but here's a few snaps anyway .. good to be back






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