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Beastmode panda

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Posts posted by Beastmode panda

  1. Will the brake stopper and engine damper go on a gt?

    Brake stopper will mate yes! Engine damper is sold sorry only just been able to update the list.

    Bloody hell Rob what goes on? Shame mate!

    What sort of condition is the intercooler in? Any pics?

    Haha, it's just that time Lew!

    Intercooler prov sold will update if it changes.

  2. Hi im after a set of indicators for my ep91 the clips cannot be broken

    located sheffield


    Got some here mate, sprayed black inside they look awesome £35 plus pnp PM me



    For breaking is my high spec glanza. No questions asked as to why, it is what it is aite.

    Item's & Pricing For Sale: All of the below items for sale.

    Pictures: As below.

    Payment & Shipping Details: Paypal/Bank transfer/Cash on collection.






    Blue mushroom filter. **£15**.

    Cusco old school front strut **£55**.

    Passenger side GT seat to fit EP91. **£50**.

    Rear bumper with optional extra lip. Re-painted brand new condition. **£150*

    Wings. Re-sprayed in white (NOT glanza white). **£80**

    Intercooler. Black. 3" outlets with custom pipe work inc joiners clips clamps (cost me over £150 just for pipe work alone). **£185**.

    Speedo dials. **£35**.

    Contact me on here or facebook (Rob Ebbs).



  4. I'm in the shit at the moment, I'm a healthy 15 stone 6ft bloke that trains three times a week but I'm also a fucking back patient and now At this exact moment whilst typing this bloody message I can't even get out of my chair :(

    I never wanted to be a big muscle man I just wanted to carry my weight well and I do.. At the mo I'm a couch potatoe and it sucks ass

    What's up Marc.

    So what's good, you got a back injury?

  5. Absolutely amazing service from Mark. Got a whole front end off of him and loom and heater matrix bung covers. Next day delivery as promised and for a VERY good price on the postage.

    Great communication with any questions I had etc.

    Much appreciated dude.

  6. Tren ace, test prop, dbol eat like a horse, pct clen nolvax eat clean and cycle as such ;) JOKES even just reading this makes me wanna start again or going in town on a weekend seeing absolute units and there presence and how sick they look (gay comment) also starting now would help for summer too!

    Contact me if needs be mate :).

  7. I'm going backwards at the moment, can get food in me fast enough, currently 78kg was 81.5 about 14days ago finding it hard to put size back on and heavy session are very arduous

    It is arduous I agree. For me it's different, I'm not doing it just to stay fit and that. I'm body building, I like to train heavy and intense with high volume and heavy weight. But that is just me and my goals.

    Like I have been saying all along, you need to figure out what you want (i.e what is your purpose for going to the gym) and then adapt your training style and methods to reach that goal.

  8. haha exactly same position......missus and a starlet come along. Still kick myself for just throwing away 2 years of progress

    Ahh we've all been there where we've stopped doing something then came round to it again and wish we just carried on lol.

    Like I said bro, you just got to love what you do! What's motivating for me is sticking at it because im excited to see results, I know every single day I train, every meal I eat and every night I sleep is a change.. Though unconsciously you might not notice a different every single day, one day you'll look in the mirror and just think, fuck.. this is starting to pay off.

    Hit the gym, get your headphones in and train like a fucking animal. None of this talking to other people bolocks, having a conversation or texting your mates in between sets, leave your phone in the car.

  9. cheers for that info dude!! yes indeed pleased about the weight/muscle put on even it if is just 2 stone LOL!!!

    my problem is I do not have breakfast I have never have done tbh as do not feel like eating that early (up early most days)

    not to much of a fussy eater tbh

    I do not have FB sadly...

    that sounds awesome a guide on what to eat on a daily basis!! what can you offer in that??? also my training is at home which I have strict rules on as I kno its easy to just play on ps3 instead :D

    No worries.

    I know a lot of people like that, who don't eat breakfast too. If you are serious about sorting something out i'll tell you how to over come it and tell you the reasons why you NEED breakfast. The clue is in the name!

    PM me and we can sort something out if you want to mate. Sounds like you have the training sorted for now, how about we crack the food issue and then move on to training after a few weeks or whatever?

    No roids just eating 7 times a day drinking shakes and spending my life in the gym. then a misses and starlet come along all at once and went tits up.

    But back on it again

    Good stuff man that is the way to do it, eating and drinking a lot. No need to elaborate haha!

    Good to hear you're getting back in to the swing of things, everyone has reasons why they can't do things and get snowed under you know! The hard part when you stop, is finding the motivation to re-start again. Maybe you can give OLLIE ( :p ) a few tips haha! :) Just kidding ..

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