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Beastmode panda

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Posts posted by Beastmode panda

  1. I've been crossfitin for 2 months now 4 to 5 times a week,starting to see small difference was 10 stone before I started have yet to weigh myself,need to bulk up a bit but don't know which shakes to get new to all this,I have just been eating like a horse

    Despite thinking you eat a lot, what is your typical day of eating like? I mean can you write it out so I can see?

    You don't really need shakes unless you lack protein, calories or carbs in your daily meals. They're just for a boosted, so that alone tells me there is not enough eating going on haha! Not digging, just saying what I'm reading mate.

    Look at some weight gainers, serious mass/mutant mass. Both over 1,000 calories, 50g protein, and whatever carbs per serving!

    I was training last year and got to 13 and half stone brought the starlet spent all my time on that and went down to 11 stone in 8 months just started again could possibly do with a workout plan bud

    Sure man, if you need help give me a PM and we can sort something out! :).

    i train natural with no shakes etc etc i train every other day with just my normal daily food and only gained 3kg in a whole year in muscle mass ???

    Not training enough and not eating enough. Simple as that my dude!

    I'll help out if I can rob,

    My story is 18 months training, up from 11st 10lb to 14st 1lb

    NO steroids what so ever, I hit all my macros / take my shakes / eat 6-7 meals a day / take my other supplements and train around 14 hours a week

    A big factor overlooked is rest, you need to sleep a lot!

    Thanks man appreciate it!

    Definitely, rest is so important and sleep is fucking good haha :D.

    Listen guys, if people are lacking motivation etc you got to ask yourself what you really want to be like. You've got to love what you do otherwise it becomes a chore, and if it becomes a chore you don't want to do it, and if you don't want to do it you're not motivated. It's really that simple. Work out what you want, and get do what you can do achieve it. If you want it bad enough, working long hours from morning til evening should be no excuse. Being a fussy eating should be no excuse.

    If you need help don't be afraid to ask. If you don't know the answer to a question then how else will you know what to do etc.

    Here to help people!

  2. Interesting....

    I'm training canny bit (8 months( was originally 9 stone now almost 11 stone so defently noticed the difference!

    using some proteins (usn hardcore whey)mass freak) which defiantly is awesome stuff to use imo works wonders!!

    but seem to be toning up instead of bulking

    But my problem is what to EAT!! I feel I eat loads but do not put weight on :s have a fast metabolism

    I tend to eat loads but obv not the right foods to put on weight!!

    What do you think??

    Well done man, putting on weight is so hard!

    Basically, if you think you're eating enough you 100% aren't. Unfortunately that's just how it goes man! Eating is a hard job, especially eating for function and not specifically/always for taste.

    Some basic things you want to be aware of, or try to follow for gaining weight (I don't mean to be fat, I mean scale weight towards whatever your goal may be physique wise).

    You'll want to be eating every 3 or so hours, if you're moving around a lot in the day, for work or what not then the meals need to go up.

    Breakfast. Get calories from the first hour.

    Lunch. Prepare double portions while making breakfast. 1 portion for work, 1 portion when you get back.

    Snacks. Mixed nuts, fruits, dried fruits, yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, sandwiches, milk, protein shakes.

    Post Workout. Physical activities burn calories. Eat post workout to get that energy back.


    Keeping on the content of calories you want to be eating calorie based foods.

    Pasta. 100g pasta is 380kcal and easier to ingest than 100g rice. Whole grain pasta is healthier, but takes longer to digest. Eat white pasta

    Nuts. Mixed nuts & natural peanut butter have +500kcal/100g, about 50% healthy fats and 25% protein. Use mixed nuts as snack & throw peanut butter on sandwiches for work.


    An example would be SOMETHING along these lines (given your stats, i.e height weight age etc.

    Breakfast: 100g oats, 50g raisins, 1scoop whey

    Snack: 100g mixed nuts or 1 liter milk or tuna sandwich

    Lunch: 200g white pasta, bolognese sause, parmesan cheese

    Snack: 100g mixed nuts or 1 liter milk or tuna sandwich Post workout

    shake: 1.5scoops whey, 60g oats, milk, banana

    Dinner: 200g white pasta, bolognese sause, parmesan cheese

    Pre bed: cottage cheese, berries, flax seed, fish oil

    That's just some rough idea, not a guideline by the way lol. Obviously I don't know your diet, what you like, what you don't etc.

    Obviously you have your meats and fish etc to add in. But remember you have 7 days to mix up foods, so again, don't take the above literal.

    I've just taken on my first client in a week of being set up and offering my services. I'll be writing up his meal and training plans this week. He will be using a gym for 2 days a week and then from home another 2 days away (4 days training a week in total with clean eating).

    I haven't gone quite in to depth there about a serious diet. All I'm saying is - EAT!! Lol.

    Any questions please don't hesitate to ask/mail/chat on fb.


  3. I've been training on and off for a few years now and recently probably hit my all time low lol. I've always struggled with a set routine and have no idea what to make when it comes to eating or how to stay focused and motivated. Would love a routine to follow at home with dumbells, barbells and some resistant bands along with a diet plan to lose about a stone in fat and eventually just tone up in general.

    Hey man! Yeah, I know what you mean completely!

    So you do your stuff at home you say? That's totally cool man, you can still hit your goals at home no problem. Dude, feel free to shoot me a message on my facebook page in the link above or something and we can have a chat and work it all out. I can promise you now you'll wonder why you stopped!

  4. Not many posts about this kind of thing go out on this forum, but anyway I wanted to share/ask the favour/if you are interested etc.

    I've been going to the gym some time now, and I have recently been putting out my training videos which some may already know who have me as a friend on facebook.

    Now, I'm going to be looking to compete (body building) next year! So I decided to put up a facebook page for myself and basically my journey by sharing pictures, videos and status updates.. For those that happen to give a fuck. (Link can be found below).

    If people who are interested in the same thing, could PLEASE like comment subscribe share whatever else there is to do I would really appreciate it!!

    So that is the 'favour' bit out of the way. Now on to the 'if you are interested' bit!

    I have had people asking me, friends and even people who I don't really know, about meal plans/diet and also training splits.

    Now, I can offer either one of those, or all 3. So if ANYONE needs any help with anything from what to eat, when to eat, why to eat it. What to train, how to train and why to train it PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE to contact me!!!

    Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/BeastmodePanda

    Instagram - Beastmode_panda

    Email - robii123@hotmail.co.uk

    Like I said, please just give the page a like (I only started it on the weekend but LOTS more content coming up trust me!

    And please don't hesitate to contact me with regards to meals and training and I can put out a plan for either or both for good prices, better than you'd get from a PT at the gym or nutritionist!!

    Please note - For 1 week ONLY I will run a basis where if you contact me asking for either a meal or training plan or both your first 3 weeks will be FREE!!!

    My standard offer is 1 week free training and you pay after week 1.

    Every single persons programme will be tailored to suit, guaranteed.

    Thank you for reading, out.

  5. F'ing brilliant.. I have no words.

    I was looking at going down the route of external wastegate but I'm not sure of the pro's and cons of going externally hatted?

    There are no cons. And there is one pro;

    God created hats. God is not a con-man.

    Just remember that.

  6. I have heard that being wastehattde could seriously conceal boost spikes. Ie the boost spike could be under the hat. Or even worse poke through the hat if it's a particularly sharp one

    Do you have any advice for this

    Hello TrisK, i think you might mean 'hatted'. When the boost spikes, usually the hat has a built in sensor from 'factory'. IF (and god forbid) you did suffer from hat spike the police would be rung automatically (via said sensor). Unfortunately this means you'd have to exit the vehicle literally no matter what.

    Anyway, that is the general gist of things. When your get your hat you should have got a bookbiblething, in which you need to read - William IIV Chapter 27 verse 101 for a more in-depth explanation.

  7. I know man, sucks.

    If he has spent the money or whatever he could just say. Or if there is an issue just say lol! I'd rather not be lied to and know where I stand that be mugged off over a fucking carpet.

    Well I txt him saying he has until tonight then a claim is going through.

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